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Hi, all,

I know this forum is for introductions only, but I wanted to give an update.

I diluted ~50/50 with zero mg yesterday. Note to Self, BTW, nicotine goes right through the skin. Either neaten up your technique or wear a pair of surgical gloves!

It was better this morning, but the headache still came during my second cup. I thought, "Dang! I'm going to have to do some MATH!". And, of course, back to the Caltons until I finish my coffee.

Here comes the math. Feel free to zone out now.

Each Carlton contains 0.1 mg, so that's 2 mg/pack. At 6 mg/ml, that equates to around 3 packs/ml. The dropper holds about 1ml (that's very approximate -- I doubt they calibrate them), and it takes around two dropperfuls to fill the reservoir. So that's about 6 packs/charge. Don't ask me how long it takes for me to drain a reservoir. I haven't yet managed to do that.

What that tells me is that 3 mg/ml is stll too strong. This headache is definitely nicotine overdose. I've tried to quit often enough (my lungs are CRAP) that I know that headache isn't one of my myriad of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This is the headache I get when I have to buy higher nicotine cigs and then smoke as usual.

Oh, well, back out today to get another bottle -- and a box of gloves, I'm not likely to get any neater.

I'll get it right. It's just going to take time and fiddling.


Based on the study I read from the University of Kentucky and World Health Organization, I find it hard to believe that Carlton's are actually 0.10 mg/cig, considering even the ultra-lights tested in the study were of the lowest nicotine range... at 0.50 mg/cig (BTW, Marlboro Reds were only 0.95mg/cig). So, based on your 10-cig morning routine, you're probably getting 5mg of nicotine just from that session (along with tons of tar, CO, etc from the smoke)... so a 6mg juice would be right in line, IMO, but going even higher has helped many of us stave off cravings, especially in the mornings or after meals.

Now, I know you're trying to match up the nicotine levels in your e-juice to be an equivalent... but one thing we can all agree on, is that unless you are buying medical-grade nicotine, which has been tested to confirm accuracy to 0.001mg, there is no way to guarantee the 6mg or 12mg levels indicated on the bottles are actually what they say. Batches are tested by "some" manufacturers, but not every batch/bottle... and there will be variance.

As for your nicotine headaches... one thing that is normal when you switch to vaping is a head-rush or headache, but they normally pass quickly.

The PG (and to a minor extent VG) works as a humescent... and will dry you out. The headache you are getting could be a result of dehydration? Coffee does not hydrate you as well as a glass of water. I know if I don't drink enough water all day, I WILL get a headache at some point, due to dehydration, compounded by vaping!


Nicotine overdose generally produces feelings of nausea. A headache alone might indicate something else. For what it's worth, the word for something that dries you out is "dessicant". Drink water when you're vaping.

Just to add to the post above. :)


Actually, PG is a humectant, not a dessicant... behavior of a humescent substance is to bond with water from the surrounding area (your mouth/body/lungs), and rob you of that moisture... which is why you get cotton-mouth or dry-throat when vaping. PG when absorbed by the body is readily transformed into pyruvic acid, acetic acid, and lactic acid... all normal acids produced or metabolized in the body....


Hi, all,

Actually, R. J. Reynolds used to put the numbers right on the pack: 1 mg tar, 0.1 mg nicotine. They don't anymore, but the last time the FTC checked them in 2005, that's what they released. That's the big reason I worked my way down to them the first time I ever tried to quit, and I made sure I stayed there everytime I started smoking again. In terms of nausea, yup, it's there, too, along with a very rapid heart rate. But the headache is so bad, it makes the nausea seem bearable in comparison.

You guys may be right that vaping itself can cause a headache. It might be part of the reason it comes on so strong and so quickly. I haven't really noticed any dry mouth, but I can only take about 4 puffs in a row later in the day before the headache, nausea, and rapid pulse start up again. After that, it's at least an hour before everything starts to settle down. On the bright side, no cravings for that hour or so. I think the only reason I can chain smoke the way I do in the morning is that I'm loading up my blood nicotine levels. As I said, though, much better this morning at 3 mg. I didn't get out today to pick up gloves and another bottle. I'll try to get that done tomorrow.


You know... some people have allergic reactions to PG... you may want to try 100% VG juices and see if that makes a difference? I'll forewarn you though... 100% VG juices will gum up your coils faster, but produce great vapor... some also say they have a strong glycerine after-taste... but it may be worth a shot for you to try 0/100 up to a 20/80 ratio, just in case the issues you're experiencing are PG related.


Thanks, Earthling,

I may give that a shot. I had myself allergy tested a few years ago, and it would be easier to list the things I'm not allergic to. No food allergies that I know of, but that doesn't mean they're not there. I love my Halo Sub-Zero juice; it tastes just like the Carltons. But I'll look around. At $10/5 coils, it'll still be a lot cheaper than my current $76+/carton habit.

I may also just have to face the fact that vaping and smoking may not be a 1:1 switch. It takes about five minutes to smoke one of my cigs, so the load is spread out a bit. If I have to change my coffee-guzzling, chain-smoking wake-up routine, so be it. Better that than ending up on oxygen for the rest of my life, which is where I'm headed.


Yup, going to try that today. Last night when I turned in, I could add blurred vision and lightheadedness to my other complaints. One of my friends suggested that I try vaping zero nic all day today. If things get worse again during the day, I'll have to think very seriously about a PG allergy.

Yesterday, I stepped it down again using latex gloves. I was a little worried about nic going through them, but it didn't. It was the height of Idjit-dom to cut that first batch without them, and, boy, did I ever pay! If I'm going to be mixing larger batches, though, I'll probably go to a good pair of chemically-resistant neoprenes and pipettes. If I have to go to VG, then I'll likely need to work from scratch to get that great Menthol taste that I love.

All this makes me very happy to have been a Chemistry Major right about now. It's been years since I've done lab work, but it's kinda like riding a bicycle, I hope.

I'm going to be posting in the New Members Forum in the future, lest I wear out my welcome here.

Big Thank-You's all around for all the help you've given me!


Nah Dont worry about wearing out your welcome..

I have a serious pg allergy, its not fun but there are remedies never fear!

Pm me maybe I can help?

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