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Hey everyone. Just saying hi. I'm pretty new to vaping. Its been like 5months now, but i don't really know anything beyond what i have in my hand. Ego battery and a kanger evod tank. I'm happy with it for now, mainly because it looks less intimidating than some of the things i see more experienced ppl with. I've considered changing tanks but i like that mine is so cheap to keep me vaping lol


Nothing better than a simple ego and evod setup! I use mechanicals and drippers all the time and i still find myself going back to the simple ego battery setup. If anything I'd consider getting a kanger mini protank 2 or 3. Those things on an ego battery deliver such a good vape for such a small device


I am considering switching to the protank mini, but I'm such a cheapo lol cuz its 2 coils instead of one plus more juice getting used :p eventually i wanna try one but for now i think I'm good. My poor hubby already gets worried whenever we go get juice cuz i want them ALL lol.

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