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Hello vape junkies. My name's Alex, living in Pittsburgh. Bought my first vape a couple weeks ago and been loving it! I'm 20, and I've been smoking cigs since well..about 15 maybe even 14. I was about a pack and a half a day for the past few years, and as much as I'd tried to quit, even succeeding briefly, it's just a little hard with my stressful life working 6-7 days a week. And who doesn't love that morning, after lunch or after work smoke with a drink?

However, I love my vape. And, it's an amazing alternative to smoking. I started working out in high school because I wanted to look muscular at the time, and so I did with a lot of hard work and dedication. I lost 50 pounds from running, then started lifting and ended up maxing around a 275 bench, 405 dead and 315 squat. For someone who was out of shape their entire life and started that late with anything physically related, that's not too bad.

While other things in life today like my jobs and college have competed a lot for my time, nothing has sabotaged my health and desire to lift more than cigarettes. I'm sure plenty of you know what the cigarette lifestyle is like. Waking up, hacking ****, and hell no you can not exercise. You can, but you'll be breathing as much as you can and feel like your still gasping for air. And while I hold absolutely no judgement against people who choose to smoke because this is the "land of the free", lets face it..our society is discriminating smokers as 2nd class citizens more and more every passing day.

But vaping just done changed the game, for me at least. I'm still smoking cigs, but this has easily cut the daily number in half. When I go back to school and can make an environment for myself without cigs (both parents at home smoke so there's always smokes around) I plan on fully embracing vaping. I can already feel my lungs resting a bit more, and I'm not coughing up nearly as much crap in the morning as previously. Nice!

Just a little intro, and why I got into vaping. There's plenty of other reasons why it's awesome, but this is my #1. Looking forward to seeing yinz on the board!

Oh, and here's what I started with (because we all love vape porn). It's a Sigelei VV/VW mod with an Aerotank Mega. Not bad for a start, but looking to step up sometime in August.



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