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Morning everyone,

My wife and I are new to the whole vaping experience and, smokers for 30+ years. We just started last Thursday. We looked into this for a few months but, there was so much information that it got confusing, and fast. We were referred to a local store so we could get a better idea of what we needed. The owner and employees were outstanding and we went ahead and got our starter kits there. They steered us away from the $25 starters because they didn't fit our needs and I'm glad they did. The both of us would have been dissapointed in the performance and experience. We got out of the store for a $100 for both of us. We got 2 smoktech vv winders, Aspire ET-S tanks, 2 chargers and, 2 10ml bottles of juice. Since last Thursday I don't think either of us had more than 5 cigarettes between us. I went with a tobacco flavor and I'm experimenting with useage. Trying to keep the same schedule as I was smoking. We haven't completely given up the old cigarette yet but still have the pack I bought last week and there's still 15 in it. Anyway I don't want to ramble just drop a note and continue to the rest of the forum.


Welcome! And congrats on kicking the analogs... or at least getting pretty close in such a short time!

You're set-ups sound like a really good choice. How much did each of you smoke daily (regular, lights, what?), and what mg nicotine level did they sell you?


Welcome to VT! Congrats on the progress you've made so far. Don't feel you need to put pressure on yourselves to quit, just focus on learning how to get the satisfaction from your devices and the rest will come. Finding a flavor you realy like is key! Take a look around the site and ask any questions that pop up.


Congratulations, you're on your way. Dial it in and you'll be smoke free in no time and you won't regret it one bit. Welcome.


Welcome to the forum. I am new also, just started about 3 weeks ago.

I dropped way, way down in cigarette use right away as well. I used to smoke around 1.5-2 packs per day, went down to maybe 3-4 cigs per day immediately after starting vaping. It took about two weeks to give them up entirely, but probably would have taken longer if I had not gotten an extra "push" by being away from civilization (and gas stations) for 4 days on a remote camping trip.

The batteries and tank you selected are great choices, glad you found a good local shop to help you out. I quickly learned that the eGo batteries are not even close to lasting an entire day for me, so I went with an iTaste MVP a few days after starting. That thing lasts a LOOOONG time.

Vaping is great, but there's still one or two cigarettes you really miss. Maybe it's the first cigarette of the day with your coffee, or the one you have driving to work, or the one you have with a beer (oh yeah - that one I miss).

I also started with a tobacco flavor but quickly became "de-sensitized" to it, and it started having no taste at all. Switching around flavors a couple times per day really helps. I chose tobacco at first because the thought of "smoking" anything cherry or vanilla or chocolate or any other weird flavors just seemed so insanely WRONG to me, I couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't even want to try anything else.

Do yourself a favor and keep an open mind, and try a few different flavors - you might be surprised at what you like. I'm now using Juicy Peach, Atomic Fireball, Creme de Menthe and regular tobacco flavors :) The Atomic Fireball is GREAT when my juices start tasting bland, it really wakes up the taste buds, the cinnamon flavor is very strong.

Anyway, good luck and welcome to the forum!


Thanks y'all. I have been at a pack a day for a while now and my wife can get a few days out of a pack. We both smoked Marlboro special blend short. We want to try some different flavors, my wife seems to adapt easier than I do. I know alot of it for me is in my head for some reason I'm stuck with wanting a tobacco flavor that I'm used to but, not much luck yet. I have a clear mild that's smooth but it's starting to remind me of a pipe tobacco. I'll probably go back to my local store and sample a couple more of theirs before a make an online purchase. They get five dollars for a 10 ml bottle and, we use 24mg nicotine.

We rode a local watering hole that my friend owns and after beer 2 I could have had a good old smoke, but didn't have any on me. No big deal though because the cravings were taken care of. The wifes down fall is the first one of the day with coffee, but she's hanging tough.


Give it a little time and definitely try different flavors...

I too started on a tobaccoish flavor and after two weeks and a better device, I can't stand the taste of tobacco anymore because my sense of taste and smell came back.

and I was still smoking between vaping and it got to the point that cigarettes tasted like *** to me and I found myself not wanting to finish or smoke another cigarette.

my tastes changed after that and I went for more of a fruity/desert like flavor and love it!

Right now I'm really liking "royal flush" by GQ Liquids. yum!


Welcome to VT! You'll get there when you're ready. We have a great group of people on this forum who are all ready to help or give you a cheer. :)


Great to hear! Keep it up!

I've found that SOOO many people never go back to tobacco flavors once they realize whats really out there!

But ALWAYS stick to whatever keeps you off those analogs, that's the main goal!


Welcome! I think I'm at around 3 months vaping, when I drink I get the craving for a smoke & I would have maybe 3 smokes & vape in between. I slowly got the smoking out my routine.


Congrats to you both! My wife and I are also extremely happy that we made the switch together also, being a team through this process will increase your chance of success. Best of luck to you two.


Thanks y'all. So far we've been doing pretty good. My wife's going through a little more juice than I am and her coil isn't as efficient as it was a week ago. I swapped the bottom of my tank for hers until I can get to the shop for new coils and juice. I'm a bugger cheater with the analogs than she is, but getting better.

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