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New guy with a problem....


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I have a problem with dry hitting. I have a joyetech evic with a protank 3.

The coil is at 2.0 ohms I'm running at 3.7v. I filled it up with 20/80 ejuice and changed the coil. And still the same problem dry hitting. I don't know what to do.... Help

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From your description I would say that your juice is too thick. 20PG/80VG is going to give you a very thick juice that may not wick well. I'd either go with a lower VG ratio like 50/50 or even 40/60. In a separate bottle add some of your juice and dilute with either a little bit of PG or even distilled water. Diluting too much will give you diluted flavor so only go a few drops at a time and mix well.

Never mix in the original bottle because, if you add too much of something, you can't take it out. In a different bottle you can always add a little more of the original to even things out. Good luck!

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I have found in my personal experience a 70% VG base is about the max for a KPT to wick properly.

Especially if you use a dual coil, which is what KPT3s come with, it's important that the wick can soak up the juice. :)

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Yea never used one, don't plan to lol. I would imagine the wicking would be similar though. Would there be a difference in the wicking of a liquid of varying viscosity from a dual coil to a single?

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For me I would say yes but everyone's different and I'm not familiar with the technical aspects of why this would be the case. Dual coils are known to go through juice faster than single coils, which is what would lead me to believe that the thicker juice couldn't wick fast enough to prevent dry hits. Of course I could be wrong but I've found that thinner juice works better with my KPT3 using dual coils. :)

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Twice the wick-area in a dual-coil, but the wicks draw the same, regardless of single, dual, triple... 1/4" long or 4-foot long... rate of absorption is the same, as each strand draws the same rate - inch/second - based on the viscosity of the juice. The thicker the juice, the higher viscosity, and therefore, slower rate of absorption per strand of wick.

Another factor is compression... which dual-coils DO seem to have, more-so than single-coils... think of wringing-out a towel, and the tighter you wring (compress), the less moisture can exist in the strands of the towel fibers... same thing here... more wicking material crammed into the coil equals less juice actually able to reach the coil's center... unless you give it enough time... thus dry-hits.

I've had 30/70 juices give semi-dry hits if I don't allow at least 5-seconds or so between hits, so I can imagine chain-vaping a higher VG juice would really give some dry hits. I don't have any real-issues with dry-hits when using my 50/50 or 60/40 juices, regardless of coil.

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