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Ok so I have an igo w clear from slowtech and I brought some premade wicks 28 awg mainly for my kanger I decided to put one on my rda and take the wick out and replace it with some cotton wool I didn't re wrap it or anything just cut it away and threaded it through, it's meant to be 1.8 ohms but the reason I'm posting is because I've seen alot of videos with people rdas and there wire is thicker mine looks very thin do I need to make the coil closer together rather than gaps in the wraps? What can I do to improve it.. I have the wire from the other wicks and an ohms reader so I could rebuild it but the wire looks so flimsy why isn't it thick like most rda builds that I've seen. Ok so by now u have guessed I'm a noob lol it vapes ok though. ebatebyh.jpg


Thicker wire just means it takes more wraps to get to a higher resistance. For example a 28g coil at 1 ohm would take about 6 wraps. Whereas with 22g wire, a 1 ohm coil would take about 20 wraps.

The larger wire is mainly used by cloud chasers to get nice large plooms of vapor.

For a beginner such as yourself I would stick with 26-30 gauge wire.


Thanks for the reply... Ohh ok I get it now yeah I ain't really into cloud chasing I only just got a dripper and decided I didn't like the wick so I used the cotton wool ball but I noticed sometimes it spits and pops when I first fire it up I's it because the wraps are to loose? I only ever used clearomizers before so rdas are kinda new to me.


I don't like the loose wraps at all. I made one that was real even, fired from the center out and everything and still didn't perform as clean as a microcoil made tight.

You can save a ton of money. Just get GMO free organic cotton balls and 100ft roll of kanthal. Take about one minute to make a coil and wick like you need.


Yeah I think I will I have an ohms reader anyway so I can check I'm not sub ohm vaping I only used that kanthal cause it was lying around and wanted to use the igo I payed like £2.50 for 100 premade 1.8 wicks from slowtech ages ago and the igo didn't come prebuilt for some reason so I just tried it myself. Will get some kanthal and cotton wool, I know it's wrong that I didn't boil the cotton first cause of the bleach I will get some organic to save time. Thanks for the responses, but what is the difference between microcoils and normal coils I thought it was just where thr wraps were spaced closer together and made smaller than normal, I spose I should Google it really and youtube helps it's just alot of videos I watch tend to be people using coils at like 0.5 and sub ohm vaping which I'm a little wary of the lowest I've gone is 0.8 and that was on my friends dual coil set up I think so im still kind of new


From my understanding micro coil is the diameter. Then there seems to be nano coils too.

I don't buy into all of the sizes having to be locked in stone. I just grab a screwdriver and wrap mine.

I wasn't trying to beat you up. I wasted a lot of money before I figured out how inexpensive and easy making my own was.

Some organic still has peroxide so just check.

I tried about three different types of organic and finally stuck with a non GMO type. Best so far for me, but surely not all inclusive.


when I got my igo-w it didn't matter what coil I built the vapor was just too hot, it really needed to be drilled out and made for a great vape. its just a suggestion incase your vape seems a bit hot.

it will be cheaper to make your own coils instead of prebuilt but its not a bad starting point using prebuilts..imho

good luck and happy vaping


Certainly not, Crush. My comments were meant in a helpful way. I shied away from making my own for almost a year. I wish I would have figured it out the first day. :)


Oh crap no its the patriot with a foggy clear cap dunno where my head was at when I wrote igo think it's cause I was searching for a new top cap and it came up with igo lol the holes alittle small still though, I find that it tastes alittle bit like burnt hair and whenever I tried to build my own when I'd pull the cotton through it would mess up the coil I just redone one but it's tasting like burnt hair lol it has enough juice on it so god knows I'm using spider venom (cinnamon and menthol) only at 6mg 60/40 vg it's probably the bleach I can taste lol


Probably hot spots all over that loose coil? If you use some 24gauge you won't mess up the coil wicking. Even 28 gauge is pretty resilient. What resistance are you shooting for? I am just starting to build on a patriot too. No burning at all. Very awesome flavor. Have you learned to work out hot spots with tweezers or dikes?


Just around 1 omh can't go lower as I'm using vamo and a lavatube I have the maraxus clone with the lotus RDA but I don't like it cause it's way to airy and burns my throat with the juice it's prob just the build I had on it when it came pre built. I haven't tried sorting out the hotspots I should really ill check cheers


You need to remove the wick first. Then fire it until the coil glows red. Before it cools compress the coils together perpendicular to the diameter. Squeezing the gaps closed. Each time you co this you should see the coil glow more even and eventually from the center out very even. Then rewick. Make sure not to compress or adjust with power on. Also, find a drill bit, screw driver, syringe tip etc to slide in and out to keep coils aligned.

Just be careful and patient at first.


Ok thanks will do that u actually reminded me of the syringe tip I have from making my own juice I forgot I had that cause the screwdriver I had come free with the patriot is to thick it tried that earlier when I was putting the cotton wool in cause it kept dragging the coil out of place, thanks for the reply you been a great help :-)

Posted (edited)

Before starting out did you first wash the RDA? Sometimes the machining oils they use to build them will remain and give off a nasty taste. Don't rely on the Vamo to read ohms. They may not be accurate. Better to get a dedicated ohm meter just to be safe. :)

I'm also moving this topic to the general modding section.

Edited by Tameiki

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