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I was a fairly heavy smoker, but I think I am having nicotine side effects. I tend to chain vape in the evening. It has been one of my worst times, especially when I am hold up in a motel doing quotes for tomorrow. I am currently using a 2.4% or 24 depending on where I buy it. I feel the buzz start creeping in, so I quit for a while. I never get the head/stomach ache or nauseous.

The problem is my sleeping.

I have cut out massive amounts of caffeine over the last few weeks (nothing after noon). I am still extremely restless and I am not sleeping deep. I hear everything all night long, and feel movement my wife makes next to me. Normally I sleep in a near death state. My head hits the pillow and you could carry everything out around me and I wouldn't know until my alarm goes off!

Is it the nicotine? Am I overdoing it late at night?


It could be the nicotine and it could also be that your body is still adjusting to not having all the added chemicals and carcinogens from the analogs. If I remember correctly you...never mind. Just took a look at your counter. Since it's only been six days I'd venture that it's just your body going through detox. Try getting a lower nic juice for just before bed, though, it couldn't hurt.

Drink more water! Seriously. It'll help flush the toxins out faster. :)


During my first couple of weeks vaping, my morning level was 24mg to get me kick-started, and then I'd change to 18mg during work. In the evenings I'd drop to 12mg if I felt like chain-vaping, and like BirdDog said... put it down a half hour or so before bedtime, and most definitely drink LOTS of water all day, and a big glass before bed!

There's nothing wrong with vaping different nic levels during different times of the day, during stress levels, etc., but one thing you mentioned is the buzz that creeps in during evening chain-vaping... so during that time you really want to use a lower nic level... I'm sure that, along with detox are contributing to your sleep issues.


Thanks everyone. I have been an all day everyday coffee drinker. i have switched to water. I bet I am drinking a 12 pack a day! It really helps. I think I will pick up some lower nicotine juice when I get home. The tough one is to stop at 30 minutes before bed. I have always been one of those who has to have one right before bed....and if anything disrupted me going to bed, or if I got up for any reason, I smoked another. I have smoked half a pack trying to get into bed....lol

Posted (edited)

That last one before bed is hard to kick... perhaps it's not the nicotine, but the routine? You might try some 0mg or 6mg to keep in a separate tank for use before bed, that is, if you can't put it down early... you'll get the satisfaction of that last "drag" before bed, without the nicotine to go with it (or at least very little).

I never smoked in bed, or even the bedroom... but I will admit that I still keep an eGo holder next to my alarm-clock! During my first 2-3 weeks of vaping, I would take an eGo with me to bed and drop it in the holder for "just in case" emergencies in the middle of the night, when I had that craving for a smoke! I only used it once or twice, but it was like a teddy-bear or security-blanket :)

Edited by Earthling789

I've heard recently that there is ejuice with melatonin in it and is for before bed vaping. I'm thinking about trying it but I already take a chewable melatonin tablet before I get in bed. So I'd say give it some time and slowly reduce your nicotine levels as you can. Definitely vape some lower juice at night for now and take the other advice already given. Here's a link to some of the melatonin juice. Just one brand and I can't say it's good or it helps I haven't tried it yet.



I can vouch for this one.

I've heard recently that there is ejuice with melatonin in it and is for before bed vaping. I'm thinking about trying it but I already take a chewable melatonin tablet before I get in bed. So I'd say give it some time and slowly reduce your nicotine levels as you can. Definitely vape some lower juice at night for now and take the other advice already given. Here's a link to some of the melatonin juice. Just one brand and I can't say it's good or it helps I haven't tried it yet.



to add to what has already been said, quitting smoking really screws with your system. your body thinks you are a big fat traitor for not letting it smoke, and it takes revenge. like tam said, drink drink drink. pee pee pee. within a couple weeks things will gradually seem to get back to normal. but there is definitely an adjustment period. i am rooting for you.


Y'all never cease to amaze me! All the information I get here turns out spot on! The water thing is really helping. I haven't drank this much water since I went on a health kick a few years ago. It is also causing some problems though. As I drive around calling on customers I stop at a convenience store and grab a couple bottles. I don't make it too long and the inevitable side effects of drinking water kicks in. I stop at another convenience store and loose the first 2 bottles and pick up 2 more...it is a never ending cycle! I am spending much of my day looking for a restroom! It is really helping though. I am feeling much better. I even got close to 8 full hours of sleep last night. That hasn't happened on a weekday in years!



Lol! Glad to hear the 'drink more water' advice is helping. You might want to get a fountain soda cup next time you're in the convenience store and fill it full of ice. Also get a gallon bottle of water while there. That way you can get the ice a whole lot cheaper on a "refill" than you can buying single bottles at a time. :D

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