sandiclause Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Hi everyone! New to vaping. trying to quit cigarettes and my niece told me to try this. I am still trying to let go and just vape, almost there. I am still learning all the jargon for these things. lol Like all of the parts to them and the best juice to get. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have read the rules, and one post that gave all the definitions which was really helpful. Look forward to chatting with you all and increasing my knowledge cause I really like it. I have a simple i clear tank with a 4 hour battery and the coils with the wicks. (See, told you I am really don't know anything on the names of parts). I do have a question, if you want to try a different juice than the one that is in your tank, do you just drain it or just have a spare with the other juice in it? I really like the place that I bought it from. Its a place called vaporcast. They are very knowledgeable but if I have a question I need to call cause they don't give out directions. Well, thanks for reading and bear with me until I can become a pro like you guys!! Thanks again. Sandiclause
ashswonderland Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Hi there sandi! I'm also new to vaping. I've only been doing it for 4 days. When I decided to switch from cigs to vaping I went all in. It was really hard the first day but I haven't wanted a cig since. The only temptation I've come across was when I smelled cigarette smoke lol. Then I vaped away and forgot all about it. Vaping is so much fun! It tastes so much better then cigarettes. I'm also curious about your question cause I'm sure I've been doing it wrong lol. jasonculp and sandiclause 2
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 I keep a bunch of tanks filled with different flavors so I can switch when I want. If you drain the juice out of the tank and put in a different flavor, the old wick retains the flavor from the previous juice unless you clean it well and soak it in something like vodka. Some stronger flavors never come out so it's just easier to keep various tanks for me. In some of the tanks you can just change out the coil (heating element with a wick inside), while others are all one piece disposables. When those quit working you throw them away and get a brand new one. These are more expensive in the long run, it's much cheaper to be able to rinse the tank and pop in a fresh coil. sandiclause and jasonculp 2
jasonculp Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 I am not much more experienced than you. I started a little over a month ago with my niece too! I would like to know how the "correct" way is too. I will tell you what I did. (i now have 6 Iclears and don't for each flavor) I bought a few extra wicks/coils. When I wanted to switch I poured the excess back into the proper bottle (I don't know if this is good). I then removed the wick/coil assembly and dropped it into a small cup of vodka and swirled it around. I then rinsed it in warm water being careful not to pull on the wicks too much (be easy with them) I rinse the tank and tip with water and dry to the best of my ability. I then installed a new coil/wick while i let the other dry over night. I did this for a few days. It got old and expensive, you loose a lot of eliquid in the wicks...or at least it seemed like it. Now when I get a new flavor I buy a new iClear and label it...I know I am weird. Once I found a flavor (or in my case flavor combination) I like I run it in my big glass tank and hit the small ones when I need a change. I am still getting my taste back so I use only "fruity" flavors and a little menthol from time to time. I am sure this will change as my taste returns. sandiclause 1
sandiclause Posted June 24, 2014 Author Posted June 24, 2014 Thanks for the input!! Appreciate it. The tank I have does have the coils you can change out so its pretty easy. I think I am going to go ahead and buy some different tanks that way I can have different flavors throughout the day. They are not expensive and I think that would be the way to go. If I have different flavors to change out throughout the day, it might make it more fun to throw those cigs out permanently! Thanks again.
sandiclause Posted June 24, 2014 Author Posted June 24, 2014 Jasonculp....funny that your niece turned you on to it like mine did! I guess with us being fairly new to this we have to experiment and learn from our mistakes! lol. Good luck to all us newbies and hopefully in a few months we can call ourselves veterans, haha.
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 @jasonculp Never put used juice back into a bottle of new juice. When you vape, the coil heats up the juice. After a while (or when the tank is nearly empty) the juice can start tasting bad/burnt/just plain nasty. That's when you dump it out and rinse the tank. Even if the juice still tastes okay, it has changed a bit in the tank. Best to keep the new juice in the @sandiclause When you vape one flavor for too long you'll no longer be able to taste it. That's when you change to a very different flavor. I rotate several different flavors throughout the day so it keeps things interesting. Don't go from one fruit to another as that won't help much. Go with a fruit, change to a bakery, change to a mint, to a citrus, etc. Drink LOTS of water! Vaping dehydrates you so water intake is very important (not soda, not coffee, not tea -- just water). Also, keep in mind that if you're using tanks made of plastic any juice that's high in citrus, mint or cinnamon may crack the tank. Better to get something that has a glass/Pyrex tank like a Kanger Pro Tank (KPT), KPT mini, Anyvape Davide/mini, Aerotank, Nautilius, Evod Glass, etc. Those won't crack from the juice, you just have to be careful not to drop it or knock it into something because it is glass and will break or crack that way. sandiclause and jasonculp 2
sandiclause Posted June 24, 2014 Author Posted June 24, 2014 Thanks for the info Tameiki! Good to know cause I did notice that I don't taste it after using it all day. The sooner I get some more tanks and juices all will be good. You guys have been such a great help!
jasonculp Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 My niece is more like a daughter to me...long complicated I went to the store to help her buy (pay for) her a new battery. I was so proud she had quit analogs. I thought it looked cool, tasted good, and might put a dent in my smoking expenses. I didn't plan on quitting. After a couple of weeks of vapeing I had gone from 1.5 - 3 packs a day to 5 cigarettes. Believe me if I can do it anyone can! I am the poster child for not having will power. Good Luck to you! You have found a good place with good people to talk to. @Tameiki Thank you! I didn't think about that. I knew it really didn't feel right. I really appreciate all the good info you have given me! sandiclause 1
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 If you ever have any doubt don't hesitate to ask. There are a bunch of really good people on this forum who have all been where you're at right now. It's great when we can help others on this journey. And don't feel like any question is too trivial or even stupid. Believe me, we've heard them all before -- if we weren't the ones asking! lol jasonculp 1
Earthling789 Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Just like Tam said, many of us maintain different "favorite" flavors in different tanks, so when we're ready for a switch, it's quick, clean, and simple. I started out on disposable Ce4 tanks and went through a bunch of them when trying out new flavors. Once I had finally figured out what I liked, I started buying Pyrex tanks with replaceable coils, which is a MUCH more economical choice in the long run. I kinda went nuts on tanks at first, but now that I've expanded my pallet (gotten my taste-buds back), I've got two main favorite flavors, and another half-dozen or so "occasional" favorites to just keep things interesting... so investing in a few extra tanks paid off! One thing I'll warn you about... it's easy to get carried away with gear But, many people are quite happy with a couple of batteries and couple of tanks... others would need a small pick-up truck to move all their gear.... So, find what makes you happy, ask questions, and feel empowered to enjoy your new-found health! sandiclause, jasonculp and Tam 3
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 On 6/24/2014 at 4:44 AM, Earthling789 said: ...others would need a small pick-up truck to move all their gear.... I think he's talking about Josh here...
Earthling789 Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Now, Tam... I wouldn't dare point any fingers ^^^ Tam 1
sandiclause Posted June 24, 2014 Author Posted June 24, 2014 I can relate! When I start something new I go overboard and buy everything so I can do it right. But like you said, once you figure out what juices you like then I think I will calm down and have a few tanks with replaceable coils so it will be easy and I will have variety. Don't worry, I am sure I will win when it comes to asking stupid questions.....although I have to say, as I was a teacher at one time, no question is stupid. But I do think I will have to borrow that members truck when i get through buying my supplies!! lol
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 There is no such thing as a stupid question. There are, however, a myriad of stupid answers. lol
kelli Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 On 6/24/2014 at 4:19 AM, sandiclause said: Thanks for the input!! Appreciate it. The tank I have does have the coils you can change out so its pretty easy. I think I am going to go ahead and buy some different tanks that way I can have different flavors throughout the day. They are not expensive and I think that would be the way to go. If I have different flavors to change out throughout the day, it might make it more fun to throw those cigs out permanently! Thanks again. just don't do what i do. i have like 5 or 6 tanks with different flavor juices, and i forget what is in each one. i end up mixing a lot of different flavors, and some of them are really good, some not so good. and if i do get a good one, it will never happen again because i have no idea what the mixture was!
Tam Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 If you're using a tank that allows you to change drip tips, try using colors to keep things organized. That's what I do anyway.
Earthling789 Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 On 6/24/2014 at 1:34 PM, kelli said: just don't do what i do. i have like 5 or 6 tanks with different flavor juices, and i forget what is in each one. i end up mixing a lot of different flavors, and some of them are really good, some not so good. and if i do get a good one, it will never happen again because i have no idea what the mixture was! I did a lot of random mixing at first too, but quickly learned to use a spare 10ml bottle and a syringe to add 1ml here, 2ml there, etc. to blend up something that "sounded" good... and I started writing down the mixes/combinations along with notes to tell me how it tasted. Those that I like, I'll blend up larger bottles... it really helped me to find my favorites and find what works and what doesn't...
kelli Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) you are much more organized than me, earthling. haphazard is my middle name. :p and tam, that's a really good idea and i have tried it. but i have to write down what flavor juice goes with each drip tip. and i invariably lose the list. see? hopeless. Edited June 24, 2014 by kelli
sandiclause Posted June 25, 2014 Author Posted June 25, 2014 Kelli, that is something I would do but someone said that they label theirs so I think that is what I will have to do or I will forget!! I like variety so I probably will go a little nuts for a while til I get in the groove of things of what I like!
jasonculp Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 @sandiclause I do that. I like to call myself OCD with overriding laziness. I was trying to figure out what I liked best and kept getting them confused. It has helped keep them straight, but I rarely use them any more. I have figured out a blend that I like and in mix it right in the tank.
sandiclause Posted June 25, 2014 Author Posted June 25, 2014 Jason, you are so lucky you have found what you like. The more I look at the juices the more I want to buy so many of them to try them out. I think I will be going crazy in the next week. They all sound so good. I guess it will be a process of elimination on which ones I like the best. Haha on the OCD with overriding laziness...believe it or not there are many of us out there like you!!
jasonculp Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 Sandi - I am very lucky. I have a good local shop that blends it's own juices. I have tried a few others and they are not in the same class. They have so many flavors. I have spent as long as 2 hours in there just trying different ones out. They are very patient with me. I know there has to be many out there like it, if you can just find one.
Tam Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 On 6/24/2014 at 5:39 PM, kelli said: and tam, that's a really good idea and i have tried it. but i have to write down what flavor juice goes with each drip tip. and i invariably lose the list. see? hopeless. The green one is for the mojito (lime), the blue is blueberry, the maple (kinda like a burnt orange color) is for the Queenside, which has the blood orange, the clear is the Home Canned peaches.
Earthling789 Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 (edited) I don't label my tanks or do anything special... I can usually go by the color of the liquid to tell what's in there, usually.... My main storage rack only holds 18mg juices, and my 12mg or 24mg juices have their own, smaller racks so I can keep them all separate. Now, I do keep my peanut-butter-caramel cup and cinnamon-raspberry flavors only in a PT3 mini with smoke glass... it seems that too much light makes the chocolate taste funny (which could just be in my head?), and the cinnamon flavors just seem to make sense in a colored tank (probably need to buy red ones next time)... I also tend to keep my lesser-used flavors in PT3 mini's (or EVODs) too. My daily vapes are reserved for my PT2's and AeroTanks, so I don't have to refill as often [Wow, I just realized... I put way too much thought into my tank organization, didn't I?] Edited June 25, 2014 by Earthling789
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