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Taste Differences In Different Models


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I have just ordered a 510 and can't wait for it to come in. I previously had a 901 and to be honest, I had a hard time getting used to the taste, it never seemed to work consistently and finally both batts died. (on analogs now, but I can't wait to try the 510) The enthusiasm on this forum is contagious, i am feeling more confident that i can do this. My question is, do you think that the 510 has a better taste. I am a menthol smoker, but i found that the menthol juice is awful. I have tried the dulcis and it was much much better.

Also, I ordered a janty 2 weeks ago from dietsmokes and my order status still says awaiting shipping. I have tried several times to contact them on their contact form, but have not heard a word. Since I am new, can anyone tell me the best way to get in touch to find out what's going on with my order.

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Cant help you with Janty, but Ive heard theres been a holdup with customs from several people, so you might have a little wait because of that. As for the 510, Im not sure theres a "taste" difference between models. They all work the same independantly of the juice. Its the juice supplier you might want to change. There are many out there, awesomevapor.com, wordupecig.com , vaporkings.com to name a few. AND, today I recived my first batch from our very own Vaportalk store. I have to tell you, these flavors are the best ive tried so far. And i am NOT getting any endorsement for this, Im telling you straightup, these are now my favorites. All of the others Ive listed are worth a try as well. I have a 510, and Im thrilled with it. Been using it for 2 months now and its still billowing clouds of vapor. I got mine from Arno at awesomevapor, fast, quick dependable service.

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The 510 gives ok taste. It's known more for it's vapor than it is for taste. Now that's not to say the taste is bad, in fact it's pretty good, but you will always get more flavor from an 801 atty than a 510.

But to be honest I'm using a 510 atomizer on my spade and my passthrough right now and it's great.

As for Parker personal forum he does answer that pretty fast, you can also use the personal forum he has here on the board. Go back to the index page and look at the supporting supplier section. Diet Smokes is listed here as well. :)

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Yea, I ordered my 510 from awsomevapor yesterday morning and it is already on it's way. That is great service. I was very impressed with the VT Dulcis I ordered and plan to try some of the other flavors. This is definitely a whole new experience.

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You know, at first I didn't like the level of taste with the 510. But then again it was my first ecig, well aside from the smoking everywhere but I don't count that one. Then I tried an 801, dragon and a 901. All are good models but produce different results. But I still wasn't getting the taste that I wanted. Then as of late, I switched to a new atty on my 510 and wow the flavor was amazing! What I don't get is why I wasn't getting this flavor with the previous 510 attys. Whatever it is, it made the 510 my favorite atty since to me it produces the best flavor. :iiam:

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