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I have been trying to build a Tobeco Kaylite fun going on 2 weeks now and seem to have hit a brick wall. I use a 1.5mm rod to build the micro-coil with 30 g kanthal wire. Then I lift it up and heat it with my nemesis squeezing the coil with my ceramic tweezers until the glow starts from the middle of the coil.

Then the hard part I pull rolled up sterilized cottom thru the coil and lay the ends crosswise across the deck being careful not to block the siphon groves. I soak this cotton all down with my e-juice and carefully screw on the chimney making sure not to get the ends of the cotton stuck in the threads.

I put it all back together, turn it upside down and fill it by squeezing a bottle of ejuice into the hole with the Phillips screw on the bottom.

I then install it on my provari or nemesis and experience the most wonderful flavorful vape ever, magical how good it tastes compared to my aero tanks. I can here the juice in the chamber gurgling as I pull the most flavorful intakes I've ever experienced, vapor production is just right.

Then in less than a dozen pulls it goes silent and tastes like burnt cotton.

I've done this 6 times straight now. Once I get the cotton taste no amount of waiting makes a difference, the only thing I can do to get the flavor back is take it apart and soak the wick with my e-juice again.

I know I have a wicking problem but just don't know how to fix it.

This is so frustrating its really driving me made. I ordered some Rayon which should be here today but I don't think that will fix it, there is a fundamental total lack of wicking issue that I am missing.

Anyone have ideas to help me get over this road block?



You can try different wick methods every time you pull it apart. When filling, turn the KFL horizontal and add until the juice comes half way up the window, any more than that is slight over filling and it causes dry hits/ bad wicking.

Sucks we can't take advantage of the full capacity but I guess when you operate on a vacuum you need some space in there.

Until you take it apart again, draw on it while covering the air hole and pop your finger on/off it a few times. Then watch for bubbles to float upward. This will help, but if totally filled up you will need to extract some juice.


I've tried several wick methods but the one that has worked for me is the way shown in vaperev video. No more gurgling,leaking, or dry hits.

I use cotton but in the vid they use silica. Using too much cotton will choke it at the coils. Less is more.


Wow that's a lot different than the micro coil method everyone else is doing, looks a lot easier.

I got a box of Rayon and knock on wood, I've been having better luck with the micro coil.



Oh I build micro coils. I was referring to the way they wick in the video, they don't put the wick into the juice channel grooves but lay it on top.

Rayon or tencil seems to be popular now.

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