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So, I've been vaping for a little over a year now and just recently decided to step it up a little bit by getting into sub ohm, I've been doing a LOT of homework on coil building, battery safety, and, we'll just about everything I could learn about the whole subject of sub ohm vaping, I ordered an authentic chi you mod with a cartel stilare rba (the combination seemed pretty good for a first mod lol), I also ordered some Sony vtc5 batteries and 24 Gage kanthal...but before I really get my hands dirty with this, I have one question..is sub ohm vaping practical? Right now I have an itaste mvp v2 with an Iclear 30 that is my everyday go to vape while I'm working and throughout the day. I wanted something with a little more to it, but with the constant dripping with an rba, and the short battery life you get with sub ohm...is it worth all that for better flavor and clouds? Or is this just something to vape on when relaxing at home?


Last time I used a tank was........ I don't recall. I carry my tobh igo w3 a few vtc5's charger and 64ml of juice

  • 4 weeks later...

My job only allows me to take a break every so often. I can make it about 3-4 hours on a battery. I carry atleast 2 extra's with me everywhere I go.

If you don't want to have to deal with the carrying juice/batteries with you all the time, you could look into a Kayfun or something of that nature.


how long does a battery last you?

Depends on your build and vape habits. I go through 2 vtc5 batteries in a 8 to 10 hour day. That's at .20 to .25. Heavy hits.

If you go a little higher on your build you can get most of the day on 1 battery.


if I drip at work iv got my vapesox to carry my mod and 30ml of juice. one vtc4 lasts my whole 12 hour shift with my igo-w and quad coils running .4 ohms.


I been subohming for awhile now and what I can tell you is that it is practical by individual likes and desires. Battery life will vary based on how low sub ohm you go. I tend to stay between .3 to .5 and I can usually get a good 6-8 hours on my vtc5 if I occasionally vape on my other mod in between my subohming set up.

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