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Fine grain Sand paper will do wonders to your mods firing everytime!! Cleaning your mod pins with Fine grain sandpaper with solve most problems of not firing/misfiring.......bottom of mod getting real hot....

Sand lightly the pins to get rid of corrosion that form on the pins. This will solve the misfires.....not firing......bottom getting real hot.


This will work, but... A pencil eraser will do the same and not take a fine layer of the metal with it. Over time the sand paper will degrade the pin causing the need to replace it. Sometimes you will have heavy corrosion where sand paper is the best option, but if you use the eraser regularly it will keep the contact nice and shinny for a long time. :)


Emory cloth, green-Scotch-brite pad, or wire-wheel on a dremel if REALLY bad with corrosion, but like Comp said, a pencil eraser or q-tip with alcohol on it will do wonders for cleaning the pins, or at least keeping them clean.

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