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I don't understand how anyone that is currently an analog cigarette smoker and try's vaping would not be able to just drop analogs instantly.

I was a smoker for the past 26 years and of those years I had quit for 5 but like an idiot ended up going back. I am now 6 weeks vaping and have not had even a single drag off an analog since my first starter kit arrived. It feels almost as I did not even quit except for the fact I feel better all around. I still get my nicotine craving satisfied, I still get the inhale ,exhale experience,The whole hand to mouth experience etc. I get everything I experienced as a smoker minus the stink and death sentence.

So since I started I have got my wife off of analogs and she has been a smoker as long as I have and most recently My dad who has been a smoker for over 50 years. The problem though is with my Dad. Ya he's vaping quite a bit and has gone down so far from smoking 2-3 packs a day to 1- 1 and 1/2 but I just can't understand why he just doesnt stop all together. How could someone not want to stop alltogether when this absolutely perfect alternative exists? It want even a 2nd thought for me and I wish he would just quit already.

Can anyone explain?

Derek :wtf::iiam:


I don't know very many people that vape, but I sold a friend of mine one of my kits. He likes it, but I think he still smokes. With him I think it's more of a convenience thing. Easier to buy a pack of analogs than to research on the web where to buy things. Then there's that waiting period where you have to wait for your stuff to arrive. Or maybe he's just not getting the same satisfaction out of it. Everyone is different. Vaping is the closest you can get to getting the same sensations of an analog, but they are still very different. I'm sure there's something about analogs that he just can't get away from.

I'm going to have to agree with you that :iiam:


A lot of it is the want to quit. We have an alternative that we know works very very well, but you still have to want to kick the habit. I think like vegas said convenience is another thing something which ecig don't quite have yet but are very close.

I think it just takes some people longer than other I mean 3 packs a day is a LOT of smoking so it make take him some time to switch over. Just keep working on him and he'll get there. :)


I've 'converted' three people at my work off of analogs. One of them, about my age, has stopped completely like myself. The two others still smoke, although less, they still smoke. I would say it's more a convenience thing, of the above points make sense; and, I guess each person is different as to why they vape and why they can't quit analogs.


I've been vaping for almost 2 months. The e-cigs I tried first weren't very good so I was still smoking a bit (3-4 a day). Then I got a mod, still a few cigs a day. And then I got 510 atty's for my mod and.... 2 days without a smoke. I had one today (ick) it may have been my last.

The moral of the story. I think everyone is different. Until they get it dialed in equipment wise, the satisfaction may not be met. The hard part is muddling through the myriad of options out there and finding the right "Personal" fit.

This forum was the difference maker for me... These great folks got me to the right stuff !!!

I'll say it here "THANK YOU ALL" !!!!


I smoked for 38 years. I haven't touched an analog since getting my first e-cig a little over a month ago. I know thats not a very long time, but its a good start.


I don't understand how anyone that is currently an analog cigarette smoker and try's vaping would not be able to just drop analogs instantly.

How could someone not want to stop alltogether when this absolutely perfect alternative exists? It want even a 2nd thought for me and I wish he would just quit already.

Well, I must just be a horrible idiot then, 'cause I still sneak analogs in there. :P

Especially at first. What strength juice did you give him? I started with 18mg and that was just not enough, I still wanted the real thing badly. Its much better with some of the 24mg I've gotten, and I'm down to just one or two a day. When these are gone I'm just going to try not buying any more. Either that, or I need to get even stronger juice to completely kick them.


I think it's all convenience, I recently got one of my uncles to buy a starter kit with tobacco flavor juice. But I suspect he still smokes, he's old school but really good with electronics and maintenance, he didn't want a manual battery when we were ordering since he smokes while using both hands.

When I smoked, I knew it took an average 7 minutes to finish a cigarette, and i was done for a few hours, it was my timer in a way. And with honesty, I enjoyed it. I had to make the decision I wanted to quit. My uncle wants to quit but at the same time he loves the analogs. It's his timer when his break is up, it's his relaxation when he's kicking back after working. It's really hard to break a routine you've been doing for years...

To me, picking up a pack and smoking is easier to do, with vaping you have to dedicate yourself and want to quit smoking. But it's hard cause a few things I found annoying with vaping was waiting for orders or having parts break on you, I know it takes 2-3 days for delivery but you can simply walk down the street to the gas station or liquor store and pick up a pack then to wait 2-3 days to replace a broken atty/battery or juice refills. Patience is key, I suppose. I've learned I have to order more then I think I would need so I don't get stuck in away.

One of the hardest parts was I recently broke one of my 901 batteries and was left with 1 auto battery, I haven't ordered any of sort replacement yet (except for several juices and a replacement atty) I'm waiting to save money for a VP1 or VP2. I was at a cousin's birthday party and the battery died on me. With vaping socially, what I learned is you better have plenty of juice and a long lasting battery... I unconsciously found myself standing next to my uncles who were smoking, I didn't bum a cigarette. I was really damn close though... even had a dream about me bumming a cigarette off them and feeling guilty for not sticking with vaping. :D


i still smoke about a half a pack a day, but i use to smoke 3 packs a day...progress not perfection...Cya :thumbsup:


I think the key is to NOT stress about it ! Any less analogs you smoke per day is a victory. Now that I have a mod for battery life, the right atty's (510's) and some quality VT juice I had one cig today.... and I put it out half way through ! I attribute all of those advances to the VT Forum (Good information is power).

Anyway, If you want a smoke, have it. Dial in your equipment preferences, get spare supplies and vape.

Soon the smokes will be a thing of the past !!!


When I got my first e-cig (NPRO) I was done with analogs the next day. ordered a 510, I was REALLY done. I got my son on a 510 and he still smokes a couple a day, but it's only been 3 days. (atty has to break in) I think he's relying on that instant kick from analogs though. I know soon he will switch all together. He's found a good flavor juice and that's all it takes!


I don't get it either. I knew from my first puff on a Smoking Everywhere piece of crap PV that I would not need analogs anymore. It took a few weeks and a few purchases to get what I really needed to put them down though. I am now free of those nasty analogs and enjoy vaping far more than smoking with my Joye510 a DSE901 as a backup.

I turned a co-worker onto vaping and reccomended the 510 to her. She got it, and loves it, but she still puffs on those amalogs too. I really don't get it. The 510 with almost any juice is so much better!?!?!!

She has cut way down on the analogs though. Her pulmonary doctor told her that E-cigs are a great choice for quitting, and now that she is trying some other juice flavors and even craving them, maybe she will be able to give the analogs up.

I guess everybody is different and what seems like the easy choice to some might not be so easy for others. I will keep testifying every chance I get though that vaping is definately the best way to kick the analog cigarette habit and feel like you never gave up anything!

Posted (edited)

Its great isnt it ....I wish I found out about E-cigs sooner!!!!

Edited by SteveD1

I think the key is to NOT stress about it ! Any less analogs you smoke per day is a victory. Now that I have a mod for battery life, the right atty's (510's) and some quality VT juice I had one cig today.... and I put it out half way through ! I attribute all of those advances to the VT Forum (Good information is power).

Anyway, If you want a smoke, have it. Dial in your equipment preferences, get spare supplies and vape.

Soon the smokes will be a thing of the past !!!

Right on. thumbsup.gif My first kit is a Vapor King and while it's cut my analog use by 2/3 at least, I still have to pick them up once in a while. I find that in the morning especially, and after meals. Vapor doesn't 'taste' as good to me after meals for whatever reason. That being said, I think the only reason I haven't quit them entirely is due to the VK; after the cartomizer warms up a bit the vapor production falls off dramatically. Even with 36mg juice I don't get a sufficient amount of nicotine to set the e-cig aside with just one or two hits. Plus, the carts don't last too long; I use about two per day, which isn't much cheaper than analogs.

I think when my VP2 gets here it'll be a whole other story and I'll be able to drop the analogs completely. But my kit's not quite doing it yet.

Good thread. We all really want to quit and want our loved ones to also.

Posted (edited)

Well in answer to your issue with your dad I want to know what model you bought him? I have found that with people of my parent's generation (I am 44) tend to not want to deal with the filling, dripping, dipping, filler hunting, modding to get it to work right that many of the 3pc models require. It's just way too much hassle for them to fiddle with all that, hell I don't blame them it's too much hassle for me that's why I went with a 2pc cartomizer like a KR808D-1 or GreenCig which I prefer. People don't want to get these things and have to fiddle with them all the time to have a smoke!

I gave my mom my old m401 dragon and I didn't even bother telling her about how to fill the carts or what filler to use, since I know my mother and I KNOW that she would not be doing that very long if at all. I just told her to dip in a juice that you carry in a contact lens case and she has been doing that, but still smokes....the convenience of reaching into the cigarette pack and firing one up is just too much for her to stick with it. I don't have a spare cartomizer to give her so I won't bother wasting any more time or money on her, plain and simple she is just too bullheaded to stick with it, that's sad for her.

I have found that those who have the greatest success with using E-cigs to completely quit smoking are those that actually COMMIT themselves to NOT BUY TOBACCO CIGARETTES, and don't have any around them to smoke along with vaping. You won't get a chance for the taste of burning tobacco to leave your system so that you can see the difference in taste. For example, I didn't smoke a single tobacco cigarette for 2 straight weeks the day my Dragon m401 arrived, and at the 2 week mark I went to the parents house and picked up one of my mothers Winston's and took a drag and it tasted like crap and I could tell that I was on track. I then tried stuck with nothing but vaping for another 2 weeks and did it again and it tasted worse and it even brought back a little bit of that feeling and taste from when I first started smoking. At the 2 month mark of no tobacco cigarettes I did it again and it was as if I had never tasted one before in my life and it tasted really bad. It made me wonder how the hell I got started on that habit in the first place, the things we will do to fit in I guess, I really don't know anymore why I started smoking to be honest. After going more than 2 months without smoking a tobacco cigarette except for the few drags in those experiments I have no doubt that I won't be going back to tobacco smoking ever. The biggest part is to not reach for the tobacco the first couple of weeks, if you have to tape the E-Cig in your mouth and suck on it like a pacifier if that's what it takes to stay away from smoking, trust me it will work out, you will see and taste the difference. I am with you though I don't get it either, why bother to do both that just makes no sense to me. Pick one and be done with it, don't play around with it.

Edited by Snarkyone

When I got my first ecig in the mail, I had just bought a carton of analogs, and I had no intention of wasting the money, so I took it easy and allowed myself up to 5 analogs a day (I was two packs a day previously). After a couple of weeks, I ran out of analogs, and told myself that I'd "go buy a pack tomorrow", just to give my mind a break for that day. When I got through the day just fine, I told my wife, "screw it, I'm done with analogs". And have been ever since... except for the day I had to put down my old canine, when I bought a pack for ceremonial reasons (I'm part Native American, so I do these things sometimes).

As has been mentioned, any reduction in analogs is a good thing. If it takes someone a bit of time to make the adjustment, who cares? And I believe that, sooner or later, the logic behind why one should choose vaping over smoking becomes readily apparent to most folks. That's why the conversion rate from smoking to full-time vaping hovers near 70-80%.

It's all good.


Yeah, I think there are a couple of factors. Getting the thing to hit the way I want it to and finding the right concentration of nicotine is key for me. The Vapor King passthrough works really well for me, gets a consistent good throat hit, at least with a well-charged cartomizer on it. The batts, not so consistent. VP2 will hopefully resolve that though my brother is going through a lot to get his working well.

But then there's that whole 'ceremony' issue of analogs. We get to compensate for that to a great degree, maybe even over-compensate :), with all the futzing around we do with the paraphernalia. And that is cool by me. But ritual is a big part of any addiction, and analogs have been around so long there's a whole set of social issues we give up by switching. I'm thinking of "smoker's corner" at work/school and such. The smokers at work are very resistant to the concept of vaping.

This morning my brother and I had breakfast with friends at a local diner. We sat there vaping and no one bothered us about it at all. That is really very nice, and a wonderful benefit to this life.

StringDancer, thank you for the ceremonial note above. Please accept my condolences for your loss, and I am grateful you have a way to embody its seriousness. I didn't say that well, but I hope you know what I mean. I often wonder what I will do when that time comes for me.

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