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ok i been talking to a few of you about what i want to do im new to mods but im not new to volts vs ohms ect. so thats on me but i love making my own creations as im a hobbiest so heres my thing. im new to vaping pretty much and i dont know any vapers in real life so i cant bug them about it lol.

but what i want is a mod that looks good i want somthing big if its flashy thats cool

i also would like a cylinder style not box

verryable voltage

ohms meter if possable

but ya thats my basic ideas and ideas shoot them at me ill do research on what ever u throw at me and see whats best for me.

also ty to the guys who helped me in my last post you were all great help in getting me started.


mech or digi dont matter to much either is fine im doing research on the 2 as im typing this as well but the vv and ohms meter im sure are not in the mechs


well after research im gunna say skip the digi mods i want a rebuildable mech so take out alot of the ramble on vv and ohms meters ect. because mech seems more like what im looking for


There are so many options out there. I'm sure if posted your price range that it may help in pin pointing a MOD. Then you want to ask yourself if flashy or quality is the most important. Provari is about the best you can get for a round style MOD, but not what I would call flashy...


I like my combo of surefire brass king mod and kayfun lite plus. The surefire king and kayfun both function well and have very high material quality and production tolerances.


Oh and the kayfun lite I have is the plus or second batch version. It has adjustable airflow under the base and it is made by SvoëMesto.


ill look those up and i have no price range but for the mod and just the mod i would like to spend no more than 100 not including other parts

  On 6/7/2014 at 7:59 PM, viciousvestment said:

If you want a solid mechanical mod that allows for some freedom of configuration, check out the Maraxus from smoktech.

are all of smoketechs items good?


My favorite rba is the Aqua. Favorite dripper is the Caterpillar. Both are cheapish. Both have adjustable air flow. The Aqua can be a bit of a pain to wick and build. But I love it.

Mind you I have not been vaping a long time, but with the number of mods I have picked up, I like the Maraxus, Caterpillar and Aqua the best.


mostly what im looking for is a rebuildable mech mod flashy is a bonus not a must but the bigger the better i got big hands so i like it to fit right with the way i hold it telescoping is perfect as well or adding links ect.


ok im seeing a ton of nemesis mech mods and i like the look and the way its built is it any good?


ya i like the look of that but performance is a must as well but like i said im liking the nemesis looks and a few function reviewes so is it any good? and whos a good make to buy from if so


why not get an origional? are they not made any more and what about ... atmomixani nemesis

Posted (edited)

Atmomixani is the original builder of the Nemesis.

You'd be very hard pressed to find an original Atmomixani Nemesis. And even if you did, they're upwards of $180. Vaperev has a few originals in stock, but I don't find fault with clones either. As long as the clones are made by HCigar, EHPro, or Infinite. I'm currently rocking a Copper Nemesis clone by HCigar, and it hits like a friggin beast! The voltage drop is dang near nonexistent. Last I checked, it was 0.09

Edited by Joshuab3687


I have a k100 mech mod love it easy to lock the device to prevent accidental firing.

as for my Addy im using the IGO-W. now it doesnt not have an adjustable air hole i had my home town shop i bought it from drill it out to 2.5mm for my draw to be looser than the original tight draw at 1mm. completely in love with it.

both are rather cheap as well

K100 - $29.95

IGO-W - $16.75

Batt - $12.95

charger- $19.95

Total : $ 79.60

as always you may like it different. Vape safe dont sub ohm on a battery that can't handle it.

current batt goes down to .3 i dont typically got under .5 on any builds. test your battery often for Voltage and i test my ohms every couple days just to be safe.


ill look into it mudkicker but i think i got my heart set on the nemesis and 180 i seen that and im ok with that again my heart is set on that now i gotta find a good battery and well fitting rebuildable for it


speaking of batteries ideas here as i can buy extra extentions is stacking good or stick with one? i think personal pref. goes here but just seeing what the most ppl like


Stick with a single good quality battery that can handle sub ohming. Stacking batteries gives you theoretically 8.2 volts, not counting for voltage drop. I'll pass on melting my face thanks tho. My new favorite is my reo grand. Bottom fed mod, uses an 18650. Best of both worlds, all the flavor of dripping, without the hassle of carrying a bottle and actually dripping!



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