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Hello fellow vapers. So ill keep this issue plain and simple. I bought this K100+ from a local smoke. Image included. First issue is, I do not know what tank cam with it. Sorry I am a fairly new vaper. Similar style to a few, but the tank is not labeled. Would love to get some clarification on that. Might just head back to shop. Just been busy. The main issue with tank has been dry hits.. was getting them to begin with, assumed maybe I just needed to wait for the wicks to soak up the juice. But still 5 days later it seems on and off with the dry hits. Thought it way be a air pressure issue. Ill constantly blow through mouthpiece to relieve pressure so the juice can drip through the bottom holes. I also tip it like im refilling it to relieve pressure. Seems to work often, but its a constant thing . Any help would be appreciated. If any clarification is needed just ask. Thank you much.



At first glance it looked similar to a Kanger Pro Tank 2 or 3 but the base isn't right. Then, I checked my Aerotank but that wasn't it either. I'm stumped.

As for the dry hits, whatever tank that is...was there a coil inside when you bought it? I've found that most tanks, the coils that come with them are junk. Try changing the coil. With a K100 (I have one of these, too), a 1.8 ohm coil seems to work the best for me with most flavors.


Just changed the coil, ill give it some time to soak. Yeah it's stumping me, I'm no vaper pro but I am an okay Googler, haha. Also didnt even know about pg/vg until a few days ago so I'm not sure what the juice I purchased is. Sorry for the very few answers I have. The juice is from smoke tokes. Tried the website.


More VG = smoother vape, slightly sweeter juice, more vapor but thicker consistency, which will gunk up coils faster. A high VG content can also produce dry hits because the wick won't be able to absorb it fast enough, especially if you chain vape.

More PG = thinner juice, more throat hit, better flavor carrier.

Personally I mostly use 50 VG/50 PG and still get the best of all sides. The most I go with VG is at 70/30 but that's rare. Too much VG tastes like I'm sucking on a glycerin bar. Just my personal opinion. :)


Yeah thats what ive been reading. Going to head into the actual exclusive vape store this weekend and have them mix me some 50/50 and 60/40. Pg is the first number correct ? Still waiting for wick to settle. Seems like I have a lot of suction issues. Possible that I have battery piece on too snug ? If I loosen it a bit I get a no restriction pull... but I dont want to lose battery contact.


The top of the tank looks like a Kanger Aero or PT3 mini, but with a plastic drip-tip... Although it is obviously not either of those...

Are there no markings or engravings on the base of the tank?

You said you replaced the coil... were they from a box or package with any brand markings?


Most often PG is the first number PG/VG but not always. When we talk about them on this forum, it's almost always PG/VG. Other places might be different so be on the look out. :)


Extra coil came with the kit , but was just in a small bag. Starting to get dissapointed with the shop. No engraving on tank . Checked more than once, haha


Can't say for sure but what you have might be a knock off if it has no markings on it. I'd recommend a Kanger Pro Tank 2 and 1.8 ohm coils. That, with my K100 and some watermelon from Fadora and...mmmmmm! :)

Don't know if you've been told but I would strongly recommend against buying from eBay. Go with a reputable vendor. Fadora, The Veteran Vaper, Discount Vapor, etc. These are places I highly recommend. :)


Yeah, I was thinking knock-off too... but was hoping it was just something new that we hadn't seen yet :)

I second the Kanger PT2 with 1.8 Ohm coils... and I have no complaints on my AeroTanks with 1.5 Ohm dual-coils either... really good flavor and vapor, but they do burn a tad more juice each hit.


Might look into that. Just need something good and reliable. I will be heading to Afghanistan is less than a month. New coil acting up. Just real ****ty suction right niw. Im sucking a golf ball through a hose.


If that's the case go with the Kanger Pro Tank 2. They use single coils that are less expensive than dual coils and are pretty much trouble free. You can also get Aerotank bases for them so you can adjust the airflow. No more sucking golf balls through straws, although I've been pretty happy with the KPT2 just as is. Just throw out the coil that comes inside the tank and get lots of replacement coils to take with you. :)


If you're heading overseas, you'll want something reliable and able to take a beating... Kanger tanks do just that, but you may want to think about an AeroTank Mega... it comes with a stainless-steel tank AND a Pyrex tank, plus holds 3.5ml of juice instead of 2.5 like the KPT2 and standard AeroTank. If you go with the KPT2, I'd recommend picking up a spare Pyrex tank too (even if you have more than one tank with you)... never know when you'll drop it and crack the tank!


Thank you so much for the advice. Really didn't expect such a quick response. I will update you guys soon on news. Will let this disappointing tank be on the sidelines. Hard to get tips when nobody has the model in mind.

Posted (edited)

keep in mind that "knockoff" doesn't always mean piece o junk. apparently I have a mt3 knockoff that was under-performing for me. then I got a bunch of other tanks and now the mt3 is hitting like a champ. I have a theory that it is aware it has competition and has stepped up it's game.

Possibly, though, it has just been "broken in". I wish you luck in figuring out your tank issues. This is a good place to get quality suggestions.

Edited by jerryjoe

Thanks man, yeah ya know maybe it will just take a bit to break in. Shot to a mech mod too soon I think. But I'm determined to learn this stuff. Very interesting. How long usually should a wick stand before it's soaked in and ready to steady vape ?


I've been told 10 minutes or so. longer for "thicker" juices (i.e. high VG). Also you can dry pull on your device. Suck on it as if you were vaping without hitting the fire button. That helps prime the wick.


I've been told 10 minutes or so. longer for "thicker" juices (i.e. high VG). Also you can dry pull on your device. Suck on it as if you were vaping without hitting the fire button. That helps prime the wick.

Holy cow! Who told you ten minutes? If it's 50/50 or even 40 PG/60 VG, I'd let it stand a minute or three to let the wick soak. It shouldn't take longer than that. :)


I bet none of my "new" coils have ever been used without soaking in juice for a few hours. Not because I think they need to soak, but because I pop on a fresh tank and keep vaping while I deal with the bad-coil :) That tank gets cleaned if necessary, or at least topped-off, new coil, and then dropped back into the tank-holder until I'm ready for my next tank...

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