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Hello all, I have a MVP v2 and recently purchased an Aspire Nautilus tank. I am noticing a decreased coil life suddenly. My first coil, the 1.6 ohm that came with the tank, lasted about 9 days. The second coil only lasted 4 days before showing a resistance of 3.0 ohms. My third, and current, coil I purchased on Thursday and am currently reading a resistance of 2.8 ohms. I have been vaping at 9.0 volts, not sure if that's relevant, but just to have all of the info out there. Is this a potential problem with the MVP itself, and is there anything I can do to increase the life of my coils? Thank you in advance!


The MVP only goes to a maximum of 5V, so I'll assume you mean 9W?

Coils will last as long as they last... I've had some of my Kanger coils operate for more than 3 weeks... some only for a few days before they gummed up or failed to fire properly.

What is the VG content of the eJuice you're using? Higher VG contents will gum-up a coil faster... just a thought...


Vaping darker, sweeter juices will gunk up a coil faster than vaping lighter, less sweet juices. Also, more VG content in your juice will gunk the coils up faster. What's the PG/VG content in your juice?


One thing I will add to this is lately it seems the aspire coils have been sub par quality. Also running at 9watts, although not bad, can decrease the life a little in comparison to using lower watts. But I would say you probably just had variance in coil quality mixed with different juices. I honestly wouldn't pay much mind to it. I use to try to calculate coil life all the time, but it can be maddening, there are too many variables.

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