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I have a store near my house which I have been going about a little over a month. I have finally quit smoking cigs completly for 2 weeks (After about 13 years :o ) Its going well, but I have a few main questions I guess.

The setup I have that they gave me is a Ego-T Upgrade. The top part says "MT BCC". Although its working well, I have been reading around on here and it's a bit confusing, the store has explained nothing so...

What/where can I learn a pretty easy tutorial explaining the peices and what they do exactly, and can I get some recommendation's for a better setup? This Ego-T has acted up a few times. The Juice I have been getting is Classic Tobacco 2.4% nicotine level. Where about is that on how weak/strong these liquids can be also? Might not mind a bit more.

Thanks for your time. (Also trying to get the GF to quit, but she was not liking what I had at all)


Not a bad setup especially if it's not a knock-off. You can do better than the MT.

Your juice is fairly strong at 24

If you wanted to upgrade go to a variable Voltage battery - Ego Twist, Vision Spinner, or Evod Twist.

For a tank I would go with the Protank 2, or the Anyvape Davide

That being said, finding a good juice gives you the most bang for the buck and is where u should start. You're going to have to experiment


Thanks for the response, this is actually a variable voltage also, by pressing and holding the button for 5 seconds. I have tried a few fruity flavors, watermelon was the only one that was bearable.

Could you give me the best few sites to shop from that you do? I would rather shop online than the store, prices are a big difference online.


Welcome to the forum!

Like Bebop said, your set-up is fine for starters, but as you learn more, you'll want to upgrade to higher mAh (longer lasting) batteries or battery MODs, and you'll definitely want to experiment with tanks. What you're using right now is fine, and many people use the disposable Ce4 tanks (which is what you have) and pen-style batteries as a daily-use set-up.

Be aware that any plastic tank will likely crack and leak if you vape citrus or cinnamon flavors. The mini ProTank 2 (BCC - bottom single coil) or mini ProTank 3 (BDC - bottom dual coil) are nearly the same diameter of the battery you're using, utilize Pyrex tanks (no cracks from e-juice, but will break if you drop them), and look (and function) quite well. I use the PT2 and PT3 minis on my eGo-T batteries when I'm out-and-about because they're portable! If you don't want something that "looks" like a "tank", the Kanger EVOD (plastic) has a metal shield over the tank and are replaceable single-coil design. The EVOD2 comes in glass or plastic and is dual-coil... both will work fine on your eGo pen-style batteries.

As for batteries, pressing the eGo-T 5 times turns it on or off, not adjust the voltage. Those that are variable voltage (VV) have a ring at the bottom that twists to adjust voltage. You'll also want to pick up a few spare batteries (at least ONE), as they tend to take several hours to charge and always go dead at the most inopportune moments :( I would suggest picking up a couple of the twist models as Bebop listed, or at least a couple of the 1000 or 1100 mAh batteries to rotate out ... you'll be glad you did. There are larger batteries out there, which will last for a day or three between charges, and offer variable voltage and/or wattage, but as a "noob", you'll probably not want to invest in those just yet :)

Flavors... you'll have to experiment, and as your taste-buds improve, you'll find some flavors are likeable again, and some you like are no longer palatable. I still like my cigar flavors, but have been mixing them with Vanilla, black cherry, apple, chocolate, etc. to get different tastes... mostly because I just can't stand "plain fruit", lol. The 24mg you've been using is strong, like a full-flavor analog, but is probably close to the same level of nicotine you're use to... Some flavors/brands may taste better to you in different MG levels, so yeah, you'll have to experiment to find what works for you....


Thanks for the response, this is actually a variable voltage also, by pressing and holding the button for 5 seconds. I have tried a few fruity flavors, watermelon was the only one that was bearable.

Could you give me the best few sites to shop from that you do? I would rather shop online than the store, prices are a big difference online.

Bass...it's not a VV device, egoT has two options 3.7 regulated, or unregulated, depending on what mode you set. But not a VV. your MT BCC is a clone of Kangers MT3, should work okay tho, I've had a few. Discount, Fadora, Veterans, and VAPORTALK stores are all good choices..


Ah thanks for clearing all that up for me. The MT BCC I have found I liked better then the other clear plastic ones I had used before it, this is almost like a metal casing (great because its had a few drops and have not phased it). Yeah I think I will go ahead and order a few batteries and some flavors, did anybody have a good site that they shop on all the time? (Sorry if links are not aloud here, not sure)


SweetVapes has tanks , coils and juice. They have a well liked tobacco flavor juice.

There are many others, just cruise around the website here and ask. Just pick a tank with replaceable coils for now. Don't bother with rebuildables yet. As I said, the evod bcc, pro tank, and anyvape davide are solid performers and all use them same coil.

After that it's all about the juice


Hardware: Sweet-Vapes, Veteran Vaper, DIscount Vaper in that order

Liquid: Fuzion, Fadora, and ECBlends in that order

My 2 cents

Posted (edited)

Welcome to the site. Finding the right setup and good e-juice was VERY important in my journey of e-cigarettes and such. I didn't really even mean to quit smoking but I did, with the help of my ego to MVP2 upgrade and good e-liquid. The difference in REALLY good and average/mediocre was like the difference in night and day for me.

Sorry got busy in a meeting and never hit submit, this was actually the first reply when I started it.

Watermelon is my favorite too! It's my daily vape, I REALLY suggest Fadora juice if you like watermelon, this comes ready to vape, get the extra shots of flavor, it's not overpowering, it's delicious, and a better more authentic flavor IMO, hard to put into words


If you can live with a slightly bigger e-cigarette, I HIGHLY reccomend the Innokin MVP 2.0 which can be had as cheap as $35 brand new. It even comes with a pretty good tank (also called a cartomizer or clearomizer).

My first order of e-juice was 12 mg nicotine level, and I was still smoking a few cigarettes a day. When I stepped up to 18 mg nicotine and found a flavor that I really liked, it allowed me to quit smoking. Personally, I smoked camel wide full flavor (started with non filters but changed to wides eventually) and wasn't into menthol or flavors. However with vaping, I find most of the tobacco flavors yucky, and I REALLY like sweet fruit flavors like watermelon and grape.

Fadora Vapors sells the MVP 2.0 for $48 which is about $5 more than I paid for mine on a huge clearance sale at a large mail order store, and I didn't get the great customer service from them that I've had with Fadora.

I really recommend the Fadora juice. Usually, when you order custom made to order high end e-liquid, it needs to "steep" or "age" like whiskey or wine does, but it usually takes 1 or 2 weeks to a month something like that. However, Fadora arrives at your door ready to vape. They have sample packs too, I've tried all three lines and have liked everything so far that I've tried.

Here's the MVP 2.0 http://www.fadoravapor.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=34_36&products_id=119

Here's the e-liquid link http://www.fadoravapor.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1

The Innokin VV3 is closer to the same form factor of the Ego and it also runs around $35 or so


Edited by charliestheman

If your looking specifically for "Tobacco" Juice, I'm currently working on my own custom blend. Or, I can add M Red or Turkish blends at the moment to any juice though. Just PM me for more details.


This is one of my favorite cartomizer/clearomizers, it's definitely worth a shot to try at least once when you're ordering stuff. Honestly this $7 is above some $25 to $35 tank setups IMO


It uses Aspire coil units that are replaceable, and it seems to be a tighter draw compared to my other tanks which I like


Everyone seems to be on an Aspire kick lol. For me, if it does not use KPT single coils I do not want it. No way I am doubling my coil expense when in my opinion single coils perform as good if not better.


Everyone seems to be on an Aspire kick lol. For me, if it does not use KPT single coils I do not want it. No way I am doubling my coil expense when in my opinion single coils perform as good if not better.

I have Kanger BCC and BDC tanks, and use both styles (mini's, PT2/3, aero)... at the moment, I'm starting to lean in the direction of BCC because they tend to burn less juice and produce nearly the same vapor/flavor, at least on the juices I'm vaping, but mostly because they are easier on the battery drain! Fortunately, I've got more than a dozen of each coil-type still unopened, so I don't have to decide quite yet :) Maybe I'll just learn to build my own and save a ton of money that way? :) Hey, I'll have plenty of the bases to work with, right?

I haven't dropped any cash on Aspire (yet), so don't count me in with "everyone", lol


Yeah, with the right juice (fadora et al) I get tons of vapor on a single coil.... :)


Everyone seems to be on an Aspire kick lol. For me, if it does not use KPT single coils I do not want it. No way I am doubling my coil expense when in my opinion single coils perform as good if not better.

I highly prefer the single coils over the dual. :thumbup:


I highly prefer the single coils over the dual. :thumbup:

Ditto. I have the Kanger Pro Tank 3 that takes dual coil and I found I prefer to use the single coil in it instead.

You've gotten a lot of very good advice and links to some of our most popular vendors. Compenstine at Fadora will blow your socks off with his tasty juices and great customer service as will Brian at The Veteran Vaper. :)


I like both and now im rebuilding my used kanger coils. though iv yet to do a duel coil rebuild.


Welcome! I am also new here and there are lots of great peeps and advice here. If you get an MVP2 you won't regret it. I have one and love it :)


I like both and now im rebuilding my used kanger coils. though iv yet to do a duel coil rebuild.

Way over-rated, lol. Did it once was a waste of time.


Way over-rated, lol. Did it once was a waste of time.

I agree. I go through a TON of coils but just consider it a cost of vaping. I probably use ~20 a month or maybe more. When they even start to taste different I pop in a new one lol. My time is worth more to me than what little bit or money coils cost.

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