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Weight Gain & Subsequent Weight Loss

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also have a fairly large bet with one of my managers in a race to 230. He was at 288 last week and doing nothing but watching what he eats. I have a scientific plan and will be victorious and pump up the stereo in the boat more when I win! I am thinking 1500w amp and 4 12" subs lol.

Edited by bcartervol98
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok bounced back in a big way. Buckled back down this week and tweaked a few things in my diet

Week 12 loss was 5.4lbs! (A lot of my gain last week was most likely fluid since I ate a few high sodium meals in a row the days leading up to my Friday weigh in)

Total 12 week loss 34.6lbs

From 311.4 to 276.8 in 3 months. Feels Great!

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You're doing great, B! When you set your mind to something you don't mess around. Keep it up. :)

People say I am strong willed lol. Sometimes I think thats a way of saying I am an *** hole haha.

You know, like "Assertive" and "Brutally Honest" are other ways haha..... or in the south women say "Bless her heart" and all that means is whomever they are talking about is not right

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Week 14 loss 4.6 lbs

Total loss now at 40.6 lbs since May 9th!

Amazing how easy and well WW works. Literally have done nothing but count points. Zero extra exercise other than what I get in my normal life. Almost halfway to my goal!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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