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Posted (edited)

could it be because it's a new atomizer? it was a bit harsh at first, then i gave it a break, and now its really hard on my lungs

any help? i loved it at first now it's really hard on my lungs i think because they got irritated after vaping

does this always happen with a new atomizer?

also i hear VG liquid might be better? is that true? i have 3 bottles of e-liquid hope i don't have to order VG

i'm not sure if it's VG or not tho

plz help!

oh ya and it's 24mg

but i don't think that's the problem

do my lungs have to get use to it?

Edited by nemesis
Posted (edited)

it's getting better, but hope it gets a lot smoother

Edited by nemesis

I gotta tell ya; what you're experiencing is what I want. The thing that has always bothered me the most with vaping is trying to get that big throat hit from analogs. My 510 has worked pretty well, but one and only good atomizer is dying out on me. Figures though since I've been using it for.....oh about 4 months now. Can't really taste any of the flavors but...still get a throat hit. I guess what I just said doesn't really help at all. I've heard the dose of nicotine you have really changes the throat hit. I've gone from 24mg to 36mg and really didn't notice anything; but I bet you could try dropping your nic level and maybe that would lessen the harsh vapor you feel.

Posted (edited)


yea it's gettin way better

i think my lungs aren't used to vapor :P

yea major MAJOR throat hit haha

but its not that part that bothers me, my lungs is where it's being a problem

i see it workin better!

Edited by nemesis

I notice the vapor gets harsh depending on the type of juice, strength of nicotine and how long the juice has been on the atomizer. Some juice vapes harsher than others. I noticed the juice from Awesome Vapor are a lot smoother than most I've tried. To me, Vapor Talks 24mg can get pretty harsh but their 16mg is perfect. I also noticed that the longer you let the juice sit on the atomizer, the harsher it'll get. It might have to do with the juice getting more time to soak into the atomizer, not exactly sure on this one.


Get used to a TON of different sensations your first few weeks of vaping. Not only is your body experiencing them, believe it or not, your MIND is as well. You have to remember, youre trading ONE habit for another. Although they resemble each other in many aspects, theyre different in many more. Your taste this week is going to be COMLPLETELY different next week, and the week after that, its gonna change again, all for the better. Instead of reaching for a lighter, youre gonna reach for a bottle of juice. The way you inhale a cigarette, is different from how you vape. And you have to almost subconciously remember those subtle changes in your way of treating your old habits. When I got my first bottle of 555 from awesomevapor, I thought it tasted like old sweaty sock. Now, its my favorite vape. I CANT get enough of it. My first week of vaping was GREAT, the next, not so much. I was used to 35 years of light, inhale, repeat. This drip, vape, repeat was what I had to remember was the trade off. The flavors kept changing. Love it, hate it, love it, like it. It was like a roller coaster before it finally evened out. The support I found here on VT and the instant realization that vaping was WAY better for me kept me going. You keep going too. We're here for ya !

Posted (edited)

thanks guys

WOW ok... it changed

i now know why it was so harsh, not because my lungs weren't used to it

it was definitely the atomizer, it needed to get goin and stuff

now the smoke is soooooo comfortable and smooth, yet throat hit

before it was a harsh throat hit, not anymore! who knows maybe my lungs got used to it too

but it's going sooooo nice now it's wonderful

i think a fresh atomizer (and i read, that it has some sort of primer that needs to be burned and that might be why it was so harsh) needs to be broken in, then it's way better

that's what happened for me, i'm gonna make a new post to inform newbies about this

Edited by nemesis

There are a couple of things that cause this, one is the old juice left over in the atomizer, I don't know why but when you vape on your atomizer after it's been sitting for a while it can get a little rough. Usually once the atomizer is warmed up this goes away. (Just give your atomizer a couple of "primer" puffs)

Another reason is the high nicotine strength. (And most of the reason to be honest) The higher the nicotine the higher the throat kick. As you move to lower nicotine levels the throat kick will calm down.

As for VG vs PG it's about the same to be honest I've used both and don't notice that much of a difference although everyone is different.

And of course the mac daddy, the atomizer. Sometimes it just needs to kick in. The feeling of vaping is a bit different than smoking and you'll be used to it in no time :D


could it be because it's a new atomizer? it was a bit harsh at first, then i gave it a break, and now its really hard on my lungs[\quote]

You've gotten some good advice so far. It could also be that your atty was a bit dry. If you are using carts, put a drop or two of fresh juice into the cart. If you are dripping, your vape getting harsh is an indication that your atty is getting dry. I personally use a cart and drip at the same time. One drop for the cart, 3 or 4 drops for the atty and I'm good to go.


hah, good advice so far damn right! haha

this forum is awesome, 1 question gets many replies and quite fast it helped me a ton!

especially since i'm the kind of person to ask lot's of questions haha, too curious


could it be because it's a new atomizer? it was a bit harsh at first, then i gave it a break, and now its really hard on my lungs

any help? i loved it at first now it's really hard on my lungs i think because they got irritated after vaping

does this always happen with a new atomizer?

also i hear VG liquid might be better? is that true? i have 3 bottles of e-liquid hope i don't have to order VG

i'm not sure if it's VG or not tho

plz help!

oh ya and it's 24mg

but i don't think that's the problem

do my lungs have to get use to it?

Its hard to say what your experiencing without being you.. However vapor is usually much smoother then smoke.. Things that can make it harsh.. are vaping too much and letting your element overheat... The small wick in these units can't keep up with some of us heavy e-smokers.. What helps is keeping your cartridge topped off & full. Taking small breaks in between puffs can help. If it's always like this even on the first puff.. you may have to get use to it.. However what you might be experiencing is some thing burning in the heating element that shouldn't be like the wick, polyfil, etc..


Atomizer break in is one thing, also the flow speed of the cartrige may well contribute to this also. I have noticed that after moding my cartrige to flow faster/ breathe better that vapor volume increased as well as smoothness. mod i used is a common variant on the 1/2 coffee straw method.

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