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Maybe this needs to go in a different forum but I was thinking about some interesting materials for battery mods. Like maybe Kevlar or Carbon Fiber. That might solve the exploding battery issues! :showoff:


Maybe this needs to go in a different forum but I was thinking about some interesting materials for battery mods. Like maybe Kevlar or Carbon Fiber. That might solve the exploding battery issues! :showoff:

A Kevlar Vape, COOL ! Maybe shaped like a Glock ? :thumbsup:


You know what I've been wanting on my battery? Something to actually display how much battery life is on it. Nothing fancy or anything like that; but something to show me anything would be nice. Like 4 lights on the side of the battery; 4 indicating full power and you lose one for every 25%. At least then I could just hit the power button just to see if I needed to charge some other batteries to full power.


Hey Sarg, I had a question. What's the ruling on vaping on base? I use to work at USCENTCOM and I have a feeling my J6 would stroke out if I asked. Just wondering what experience has been.


You know what I've been wanting on my battery? Something to actually display how much battery life is on it. Nothing fancy or anything like that; but something to show me anything would be nice. Like 4 lights on the side of the battery; 4 indicating full power and you lose one for every 25%. At least then I could just hit the power button just to see if I needed to charge some other batteries to full power.

great idea, but I think it would increase manufacturing costs substantially.


Hey Sarg, I had a question. What's the ruling on vaping on base? I use to work at USCENTCOM and I have a feeling my J6 would stroke out if I asked. Just wondering what experience has been.

I have a bunch of mix reactions to it. When I'm in uniform I try not to walk around base vaping cause it still looks pretty unprofessional. When I'm at work though; all bets are off. I'm out of the public eye and it's actually pretty convenient. Usually guys have to wait till they can go to the only smokepit in our unit to go smoke. But I can sit inside an F-16 doing...well whatever it is I happen to be doing in the cockpit....and vape away. I guess kinda like sitting at your computer at work; except the F-16 doesn't have a USB port for me to be plugged into. I just had a guy last night ask me what I was doing; he said it was cool but he figured if more and more people started doing it then the air force or military in general would try to regulate it (which wouldn't be unreasonable, military does have an image to uphold).

I vaped in from of my OIC (officer in charge) once. Man....that guy flipped out so bad. It was all I could do to keep my cool. I calmly explained to him what was going on and he was totally dumbfounded. So I figured if he was cool with it; I'm a go to vape where ever I want at work (always use the line,"oh yeah, the captain knows i vape here at work").

When I'm in civilian clothes; all bets are off. I vape as much as I can where ever I can. Oddly enough; I've only had one person ever come up to me and ask what I was doing. It was a japanese waitress and she was telling me I couldn't smoke. I showed her what I was doing and she was cool with it. I've smoke in the BX (Base Exchange/or Post Exchange for you army folk), commisary...everywhere.

So it's been a fairly good experience here. Maybe Biezsman (yeah i know i screwed that up bad) has some interesting stories at kunsan air base in korea?

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