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Is It Ok To Charge All My Batteries And Store Them For Future


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You guys wear me out!

It's a Li-ion battery, for now, we wont get into the new batteries that we will see in the near future.

Li-ion batteries do not have the problem with holding a memory like the Ni-Cad batteries did.

Li-ion batteries will diminish in their ability to provide power over time and use (depends on how frequently they are used).

When you put them in the charger for the first time or the fiftieth time, They will be fully charged when the light on the charger says they are charged.

The charger cuts off and does not continue to charge after the battery has reached it full charge, even if you leave it on the charger for 8, 10, 15 or 20 hours. When it's charged its charged. period

I have two Li-ion batteries that I have used in my VP2, cycling them, and using three batteries full per day for about two months. They take between to and a half hours to charge and they give me between 8 to 9 hours of vaping. When I first opened them it too less than 20 minutes to charge the the first time and they have worked fine. I am also field testing a new battery in my VP2 for the past two days and it's about the same. This is about the extent of my knowledge in dry-cell batteries, now if you want to discuss wet-cell lead acid batteries, we can talk about that all day. I have a vast amount of knowledge concerning those that are used in bulldozers, 18 wheelers, electric forklifts and Photo Voltaic (Solar Power) and wind generated systems.

Also, I learned this weekend how to tell a protected battery from an unprotected battery. A protected battery has a ridge that runs around the negative end of the battery. That was courtesy of Jeso at VaprLife.com maker of the fine VP line of eCig battery mods.

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