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My older brother will be visiting over Thanksgiving and I am bent on converting him to vaping.

He smokes at least a pack a day of Parliament Regular analogs a day. I would guess he knows nothing about the vaping world we all love so much. :mobile:

Anyway, I'm planning on getting him a 510 kit to get started, can't afford to buy him a VP2 at this time but he can try mine when he's here. Also maybe a sampler pack of juice from Arno. I'm a menthol lover ( VT Mentha is the best out there) so not sure what flavor or strength he might enjoy being a Parliament smoker. Suggestions??

I picked the 510 for it's size and I already have an 801 so if I fail in the intervention LOL then I will have a 510 for my very own...

Thanks folks for any thoughts and wish me luck. The project will start on November 24th I will keep you posted or you may even hear from him in the future.


My older brother will be visiting over Thanksgiving and I am bent on converting him to vaping.

He smokes at least a pack a day of Parliament Regular analogs a day. I would guess he knows nothing about the vaping world we all love so much. :mobile:

Anyway, I'm planning on getting him a 510 kit to get started, can't afford to buy him a VP2 at this time but he can try mine when he's here. Also maybe a sampler pack of juice from Arno. I'm a menthol lover ( VT Mentha is the best out there) so not sure what flavor or strength he might enjoy being a Parliament smoker. Suggestions??

I picked the 510 for it's size and I already have an 801 so if I fail in the intervention LOL then I will have a 510 for my very own...

Thanks folks for any thoughts and wish me luck. The project will start on November 24th I will keep you posted or you may even hear from him in the future.

There is a Parliament flavored juice, I don't know how close it is to the actual cigarette but I wouldn't get my hopes up that it is. If he is a pack a day smoker I would start out on about 18 to 16 mg. I was a heavy smoker 2.5 packs a day and the 36 was too high for me. I stepped down to the 24 for a few weeks and then to 18 to 16. Next week I go to the 9 mg when my order from Arno at AwesomeVapor.com gets here and I figure I'm probably currently at a pack a day nicotine intake.


I think you got this covered pretty well. My dad is a heavy smoker and I bought him a 510 and he's not smoked an analog since. He loves it!

I started him on 24mg since that is a good place to start as an analog smoker. That would be my suggestion. I would also stick to flavors like Marlboro or any tobacco flavor. I still prefer that over "food" flavors myself.

I did order my dad some extra attys and got him a bottle of 16mg this time just to see if he could step down a bit now.

He's buying my brother a 510 for Christmas and see if he can get him off the analogs, too.

Good luck with your bro! I think he is going to be successful big time!


There are so many advantages to the e-cig. Cost over time is the big one for me. But you also have the advantage of being able to use the device in places where you previously could not or would not smoke a traditional cigarette. Hotels are a big one for me, most hotels are non smoking (not that I smoke inside my home, but it is easier to walk out the back door and light up a smoke than it is to take an elevator down 17 floors to the lobby and walk outside) with an e-cig I can vape away all night long in my room while I get work done on the computer or watch TV. The fact that you don't always smell like an ash tray is great too. For me it didn't feel like I was having to give up something when I quit analogs, I was just moving on to something better. I get the same stress relief I sought from cigarettes without the high price, and the social inconveniences. Good luck with the conversion!


I picked the 510 for it's size and I already have an 801 so if I fail in the intervention LOL then I will have a 510 for my very own...

I love my 510, but I would only suggest that to someone who isn't going to mind tinkering with carts and filling and juice. For converting someone who may not want to mess with all that, I'd get a cartomizer unit.



If he's smoking Parliments is he from Canada? Didn't Canada ban the sale of e-cigs.

I sure he will love the 510, I got mine just to stop my mom from nagging me,never thought for a minute it would work

just had to try it to love it.


Whenever I try to talk to guys that I want to try an e-cig, I just tell them to get it and use it when they are at home or some place where they would like to smoke but can't. So I get em to just buy one and instead of them worrying about trying to quit smoking all together, they can just vape part of the day and see how they like it. Which usually turns into vaping all the time.

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