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I Think I Just Realized Something, Is This What A Cartridge Is?


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is the part where you put juice in when direct dripping a different peice than a cartridge?

i thought they were the same, are they not?


Yes, Most e-Cigs other than "Cartomizers" are three piece, working from the bottom up there is the battery the atomizer and the cartridge. If you pull the cartridge off of the atomizer and look down in the tube you will see a fine mesh bridge made of stainless steel. That is the "wick" that soaks up the juice and delivers it to the element to be vaporized. When direct dripping it is this stainless steel mesh that you drip three or four drops on. I personally have found that it is better to also take the white poly/cotton like material out of the cartridge when direct dripping to avoid the poly fibers from becoming entangled in the element and causing a fowl taste when they (the fibers) melt. Hope that helps?

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ok thanks i think i got it

how come some people say fill the cartridge up and some people say 3-4 drops hehe

The eCig is designed to have the cartridge filled and it releases the juice onto the screen by gravity. Most of us have found this to be a cheap design, one that is flawed and direct dripping is better for vapor production than filling the carts. It is a method that is simple and gives great results as long as you don't over drip and have the juice leak out the bottom if the atomizer where it screws onto the battery or leak down into the battery. Just drip three at a time and vape until it needs more then repeat, hence the slogan, Drip, Vape, Repeat! Got it? Good. Enjoy you vaping experience. I'll be up for another hour if you have anymore questions.

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thanks chris

ya i checked that earlier, i guess i'm still trying to figure them out, i never seen one in real life but my order should be at my house tomorrow! possibly tuesday!

hehe yay

i'm sure once i examine one everything you guys explained to me will fit together better

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ah ok that makes sense. Once you have your ecig everything will come together. Direct dripping is done right on the atomizer. In other words rather than change out carts or even fill them for that matter, you just drip a couple of drops right onto the atomizer :)

It's easy :thumbsup:

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