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Sooooo ive been using a itaste vv vw 3.0 for awhile and though its time to get into mods

i went the cheap way and bought clones but that shouldnt really matter

I bought a nemisis clone


a omega drip clone


im using 18650 batterys

and i bought these coils


Now my problem is im getting very little and very skimpy smoke

with the coils i unrolled them and re rolled them because they were to small and to tightly rolled which was my mistake for ordering

im using organic cotton balls as a wick

Now i think the thing thats wrong is my coils

can anyone recommend what im going wrong?



Posted (edited)

What Ohm are they?

Not just what fasttech says they are either. What did your ohm meter reading say? Please tell me you have one.

How much research did you do into mechanic mods, ohms law, battery safety?

Do more research. There's a learning curve to mechs.

Not trying to be mean here, but you referred to vapor as "smoke". Thats usually a red flag to us that someone is new to vaping and has not done a whole lot to educate themselves about it.

Mechanical mods can be dangerous. The batteries you use in them as well.

Vape safe

Edited by Joshuab3687

Without beating a dead horse on research and safety... lack of vapor can be caused by a variety of issues. Most common issue when using a RDA, is airflow. If you pack too much wicking material in the coils and on the deck you will not get good flow of air. Second cause could be the coils themselves. I understand your new to RDA's, my suggestion.... build your own coils, ensure there are no ground issues or hotspots then wick it and vape away. Never dry fire it with dry cotton or dry wick of any kind. Hope this helps get you started.

Vape safe!


It was my own fault and sorry i did mean vapor.

The coils were actually fine i just had some troubles getting the cotton through them.

vapes well now :D


Watch as many videos as you can on YouTube on coil building as you can find, and battery safety also, mech mods are alot of fun but can be very dangerous, and always check the ohms before using your coils, get a ohm checker of you don't already have one


Yeah when I first starting to rebuild I had a ton of issues and questions. I started out one the smoktech RSST, had so many issues I set it aside and bought a RDA, and that's how I learned. Now I have no issues using my RSST or my kayfun. The RDA gave me more room, and took out some of the complications such as getting the juice to wick right, ss mesh wick touching the base, etc, etc.

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