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Can't believe I've made it this far!

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Two months without an analog! I set reminders in my phone for each month so I can either (a) be proud of myself or (B) kick my own *** for going back to analogs.

I seriously doubt I will ever have to kick my own ***. Just sayin. I have found my sweet spot for dripping, know how to build MY coils, know how to wick MY cotton, can build for my husband when he's too frustrated, learned how to use a small torch, witnessed my husband pick up a coil still hot (perfect coil marks on both fingers btw), made some awesome new friends, helped some newer newbies, got my sense of smell and taste back, and honestly built a closer relationship with my husband. Since we both put down the analogs and picked up the RDAs, we build together and spend that time together talking and laughing and generally getting closer.

So it's a win all around!

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Keep the faith, Kiddo, you can do it, so pat yourself on the back instead of usiing your foot. If I can, so can you. 50+ years of nasties for me and in 2 days I'll be stink-stick free for 1 year. Remember ...... quitting's easy. Staying quit is the hard part ........ unless you're vapn'.

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