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TheSmokingMan found me. MoobyGhost recently ran a contest for a Protege and I won. :thumbsup: The contest was to do your take of the Buffalo Bill Dance from Silence of the Lambs or Clerks 2. I did Jay & Silent Bob from Clerks 2. I was waiting until I got the Protege in the mail to post this but I may have to wait a bit longer. MoobyGhost is taking a much needed vacation to Mississippi.

This will be the first time anyone here except TheSmokingMan has seen me. Hopefully you will start to see a lot more of me. Hope you have a good laugh...I know I did :jump:

PS. Notice what forum I mention in the Video ;)

My Buffalo Bill Dance Contest Entry

The Protege Contest Results



TheSmokingMan found me. MoobyGhost recently ran a contest for a Protege and I won. :thumbsup: The contest was to do your take of the Buffalo Bill Dance from Silence of the Lambs or Clerks 2. I did Jay & Silent Bob from Clerks 2. I was waiting until I got the Protege in the mail to post this but I may have to wait a bit longer. MoobyGhost is taking a much needed vacation to Mississippi.

This will be the first time anyone here except TheSmokingMan has seen me. Hopefully you will start to see a lot more of me. Hope you have a good laugh...I know I did :jump:

PS. Notice what forum I mention in the Video ;)

My Buffalo Bill Dance Contest Entry

The Protege Contest Results

Fine, blame it on me, I wasn't going to say anything, Blabbermouth!


I saw this as well and didn't say anything :)

I figured if you didn't announce it here, there was a reason. I personally thought it had to do with your keeping a naked Ken doll around :)

Posted (edited)

Fine, blame it on me, I wasn't going to say anything, Blabbermouth!


rof lmao....... I love this guy!!!!!!!!

I guess you weren't the only one who saw it.

Edited by TheGreen

I saw it too. Thats you, huh The green?

Yeah that's me with a little stage performance. You know the camera brings out even more of my goofiness<--- is Goofiness actually a word???? Spell check thought so...lol


Congrats Green, too awesome! "Would you vape me? I'd vape me, I'd vape me hard!"

Laughed pretty hard one that one.


VEEEEEEERY COOL!!!I'm happy for ya lol.Just one thing.What's a Protege?I don't get out much lol


This is the Protege

MoobyGhost and GrimmGreen have reviews of it on Youtube.


VEEEEEEERY COOL!!!I'm happy for ya lol.Just one thing.What's a Protege?I don't get out much lol


Merriam-Webster defines it as such:

Main Entry: pro·té·gé

Pronunciation: \ˈprō-tə-ˌzhā, ˌprō-tə-ˈ\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from past participle of protéger to protect, from Middle French, from Latin protegere

Date: 1787

: one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence


The Ken doll is his protege!


Merriam-Webster defines it as such:

Main Entry: pro·té·gé

Pronunciation: \ˈprō-tə-ˌzhā, ˌprō-tə-ˈ\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from past participle of protéger to protect, from Middle French, from Latin protegere

Date: 1787

: one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence


The Ken doll is his protege!

Well, ummm, hummm...... I got nothing.

Come on Ken, let's go get some ice cream.


I got the Protege to and I have to say it is pretty nice for my first USA built e-cig. I am going to put it through it's paces and do a review on it at a later date.

Thanks again MoobyGhost.


The protege is a nice model. I don't like all the pieces of the pie, but once put together it works very well.

  • 2 weeks later...

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