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Someone help me out please!

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Hey guys,

So im still pretty new to vaping and have been trying out new stuff. Recently I upgraded my battery and thus needed to get a new tank and I went to my local vape shop and bought a KangerTech Unitank Mini. Now after the first like 5 days it started to flood and gurgle. It pulls liquid straight into my mouth and it absolutely awful now. If someone could give me advice on how to fix it or a link to the subject it would seriously be greatly appreciated!

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Have you tried this? Take your tank off the battery. Hold a tissue very loosely (so air can easily pass through) near the end of the tank where it normally connects to the battery. Then, very gently but firmly blow through the mouth piece. The excess liquid should go onto the tissue. Do this several times until no more liquid comes out. Also, thoroughly clean out the well in the connection part of the battery before putting tank back on. That should solve the issue -- I hope. :)

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I do this but I remove the coil from the tank and just blow out the coil. If you do blow down into the tank you will want to drain the juice out first or you will just blow juice in the tank out through the bottom and have a mess. :)

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If you do blow down into the tank you will want to drain the juice out first or you will just blow juice in the tank out through the bottom and have a mess. :)

I've done this without taking the coil out and with a full tank o' juice with no problem. The trick is to blow gently. :)

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You always want to have a lot of qtips on hand I use one every tank fill to dry the shaft and blow out the coil as well. Many times leaking is mistakenly assumed because vapor causes a considerable amount of condensation and it will eventually run down the shaft and into your coil.

If it still leaks after that the only other thing would be to replace the coil. Out of the hundreds upon hundreds of coils I have used I personally have only had one Kanger coil that leaked and it was about a month ago. I fill tanks once a week only and that week when I did one of my tanks had leaked the entire contents through the coil and onto my shelf. Others may have different experiences but given the sample size of Kanger coils I have used I think they rarely leak. A very high majority of leaking issues are due to lack of cleaning and maintenance at fill ups to remove residual condensation.

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