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We see new vapers ask, "What's the BEST ____?" all the time. We also explain why there really isn't a 'best' anything other than what works 'best' for YOU.

Let's flip that over and ask, "What's the WORST _____?" and I'll qualify that by adding, "...tank you've ever tried and why is it on your list?"

I've got quite a list of tanks that didn't work for me. Here's a few.

Vision tanks in general but the Victory tank in particular. Every single Vision tank I've ever tried, and there have been so many, have all leaked. They perform well for all intents and purposes but they ALL leak! Some worse than others.

The Victory started off well enough, then, when I was vaping I felt something wet. There was juice running out of the bottom of the tank. UGH.

The iClear 30b worked for about three minutes before it started behaving so badly that I had to trash the thing.

What are the worst tanks you've experienced and why?


I like this thread Good Idea Tam! :D

To date the worst tank I have used is the Smoktech Drunk Tank


This tank in my experience with it was prone to harsh dry hits. The flavor was good for the few days of use then it would drop off (muted) and can only be described as fowl tasting. I would change out the coil and the fowl flavor would not go away. I will say that it did not leak, but that was no compensation for the way it would ravage the flavor of a good juice.


I had 2 turkeys:

The original T3 (not the T3S) just leaked like crazy

The iclear 30 - prob holds the record for the piece of gear I bought that went in to the trash the fastest, lol. I think obviously a quality control issue because others have had success with this turd.....but not me.


I havent had a good tank so far, the trophy is a leaker, glass spins and juice is all over, in fact all I've had mostly is smok products.. duh!

My 30s isn't bad,


Dual Coil Carto Tank (DCT). When they work, they work really well, but when they decide to start leaking, there's no stopping it. Just my experience. I gave them another try about a year ago and was pretty impressed for a while (using a 2 hole dual coil carto). However, about a week into it, it started to leak and made quite a mess. Did I mention that I was on my way to work then this happened? :veryangry: Gave up on them after that.

I've used the iClear30 (came with the MVP2) and iClear30S (came with the VTR) and thought both of them pretty much sucked. Both leaked bad, and the 30s was mostly just burning taste the whole time I used it.

I never had a problem with the Vision Vivi Novas Tameiki. I used them for quite some time and didn't have much trouble with leaking at all other than a dot of juice on the battery connector from time to time.

Still, as you said Tam, vaping is all about personal preference. Just because everyone else loves something, doesn't mean you will. LOL!


After all the Vision fails I've had I completely forgot about the Vivi Novas, Brian! Now that I think about it, that was the only Vision tank that didn't cause a headache and actually worked for me. Thanks for the reminder! :)


After all the Vision fails I've had I completely forgot about the Vivi Novas, Brian! Now that I think about it, that was the only Vision tank that didn't cause a headache and actually worked for me. Thanks for the reminder! :)

:) Before trying the Vision, I had tried 3 or 4 different non-Vision Nova style tanks and they were all terrible. It was a surprise when I got the vision and it worked well.


This was the worst tank I owned. It didnt wick worth a damn.



This was the worst tank I owned. It didnt wick worth a damn.


Aren't those the tanks where you could put two different flavors in, one on top and a different one on the bottom part of the tank? Or am I thinking of something else?


Theoretically that is what was supposed to happen. The problem is the juice in the bottom never wicked up.

Posted (edited)

Theoretically that is what was supposed to happen. The problem is the juice in the bottom never wicked up.

I remember when they first came out with a big splash and much fanfare. Then, nothing more was heard about them. Always wondered if they worked or not. Now, I know. :)

Edited by Tameiki

I won't purchase anything vision other than spinners for my wife. Its either kanger products or in my case its rda's batteries kanthal and cotton


For me it has to be the KangerTech Protank Mini II purely because my Itaste VV VV.3 hated the thing. the Itaste really struggles to read the tank, to be fair to it, when it paired with the Itaste it vaped a treat, but its too small, 1.5ml capacity? no thankyou. Anyway I had the Protank Mini for a week before it started leaking and i ended up with a mouthful of Eliquid. Other people may love this tank, for me its a big no no after my experience.

Posted (edited)

Anything with a top wick, although Kangers T2 is at the top of the charts for top wicking clearos. I gotta throw in any of the hundreds of CE4s out there as probably the worst. Gotta agree with Tam anything Vision that is not a battery has sucked for me personally.

Edited by bcartervol98
Posted (edited)

I have a cheap BDC carto tank that I purchase because I wanted to try a cargo tank and never did get it to work right, nothing but burnt taste, also tried a t3 tank and it seemed okay for the first day, but went to crap, mostly had good luck with the KPT'S

Edited by Rcam1977

I've used bottom feeders since I started vaping so I haven't had a bad tank yet. If I had to pick one it would be my Davide because the airflow was to tight for me, but I got a few of those airflow control bases and I like it a lot better now. Posted Imagehere is a pic of it with the airflow bottom on it.


2 bad eggs. Protank mini. Why? Because I dont like to get a handful OR a mouthful of ejuice. The **** makes me dizzy and mt face pale lol number 2 definetly has to be the fogger v2 rda (not a "tank" but w.e?) Why? Because it shorted out numerous times. Upon doing research im not the only one whos had that problem. Stay away from the fogger.. please lol


Pt2 leaked bad forever, before i figured out it was bad o-rings, now it works fine; but still to tight on the draw..any top loaded coil tank used suked.. I just purchased a Nautilus and so far i'm disapointed with the draw and over all performance has not been good.. The 2 large holes seem to be to large and i get a wide open draw, the 2 small holes are two small...I have somewhat solved that problem by closing the largest air flow hole half way..Both of the coils have burnt out in 2 days on 3.7V -5W.. it hits like **** on Watt setting, but does somewhat better on volts i have no clue why..The flavor seems to be lacking and throat hit..The B&M i bought it at gave me a replacement coil and i found some info that the coils may perform better on 50/50 juice? If anyone could give some advice that woul be great.. FYI, I use an SVD now, used to use Mvp2 until that broke.


Anything with a top wick, although Kangers T2 is at the top of the charts for top wicking clearos. I gotta throw in any of the hundreds of CE4s out there as probably the worst. Gotta agree with Tam anything Vision that is not a battery has sucked for me personally.

I said that brian, :lol::D


Vivi Nova and the iClear30b are 2 of the biggest POS tanks I have ever regretfully had to own.

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