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Hey Fishguy....

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I like wild life, but the ones that can harm you, or in your case may harm your live stock, I'm a shoot first kind of guy..... If it's one that can be used as food for your family then all the better. I wouldn't hunt them down, but If they come to my doorstep or endanger my "flock", boom.....

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They Dont.play fair though I say that after 3 horses, 3 llamas 15 goats and 125 sheep in 3 yrs were ate and we were getting stalked by a 7'4 inch long 250 lb lion that was only 2 old!

My Dad told me some stories of Mt lion close encounters. Love the animal but would not want to be to close to one.

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Sorry all. Had that "honey-do" list to take care of. Had the "quality" time in, then it was off to weed eat, mow, clean garage, dog baths, shower, then cook dinner on the grill. Ran outta propane halfway thru my NY strip steaks. Had to finish them on the indoor grill. AND... 2 glasses of scotch. Feeling great!

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Oh I bet, I used to do pencil drawings sold some but stopped long time ago, your talented.

I get it from my Dads side mostly. I have had a few people say I missed my calling but I found doing commercial work took all the fun out it.

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They Dont.play fair though I say that after 3 horses, 3 llamas 15 goats and 125 sheep in 3 yrs were ate and we were getting stalked by a 7'4 inch long 250 lb lion that was only 2 old!

Holy crap! I'd have been all night scope, military, land mine, rambo on that ****........ lol

For that matter, I have a neighbor down the street that had a huskey that they allowed to run all the time a cpl yrs ago. When I walk out to my back yard and "your" dog is growling at me..... I'm not ok with that! The dog is gone, and no, I didn't shoot it. They had it taken away, but I would, if my daughter walked out and came across this one it could have ended bad. I'm a dog lover obviously, but wild animal or neighbors dog, if it come onto my property and threatens someone, I have no regrets.....

Edited by fishguy1123
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Sorry all. Had that "honey-do" list to take care of. Had the "quality" time in, then it was off to weed eat, mow, clean garage, dog baths, shower, then cook dinner on the grill. Ran outta propane halfway thru my NY strip steaks. Had to finish them on the indoor grill. AND... 2 glasses of scotch. Feeling great!

Bah... I only use charcoal LOL If I want it cooked with gas I can do it inside. ;) Yeah it is messier but I think the flavor is better. I also cook on the fire pit. :D

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They say if you've been in the woods here, you've been stalked.

Then you have dumb people who go to pick berries when their new to Mt (me) and see the fuzzy puppys come rolling out of the patch andpms big head and hump come over top to glare and roar, thanked god that day for my old heeler.

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Bah... I only use charcoal LOL If I want it cooked with gas I can do it inside. ;) Yeah it is messier but I think the flavor is better. I also cook on the fire pit. :D

Don't hate.... lol I'm a gas griller too, but I'd like to get a charcoal this year as well. I think they both offer something that's good.

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