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Changing lives

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I saw someone eyeing the Blu's and Njoys today. There are looking to get started. I told them to stay away from the Blu's and just get a couple Njoys to see how they like it. Gave them my site info and a link to here. :D I told them that this was the best support group on the Internet. ;)

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I saw someone eyeing the Blu's and Njoys today. There are looking to get started. I told them to stay away from the Blu's and just get a couple Njoys to see how they like it. Gave them my site info and a link to here. :D I told them that this was the best support group on the Internet. ;)

Very good advice

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They have your website comp, she took a hit off my vtr and about coughed to death, her husband said I want one of those thingys, but they had been trying blu's and thought they were all that nasty and were going for the cartons. So they said they were gonna buy one vv/vw 3 battery and go online to get more stuff!

I Dont mind being accosted in parking lots but last time I went so far as to let someone try mine they called & told me they had strep the very next day!

So I guess I'll carry some disposeable stuff.

Fish, do it go in w your ecig, and blow big clouds, save our vets!

Comp, send me biz cards!

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Changing lives is a treat, I get to do it everyday..my favorite is Mr. And Mrs. Romero, very nice 88/84 year old couple, started em out, changed thier coils... Now when they come in for supplies.. I get big hugs, and she bring me food...it's so cute, and they've changed from a nicotine hued amber to a lighter healthy glow..makes it all worthwhile!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here I go again.. Pa's godson is a heavy smoker sent home from military due to seizure disorder.

He used to smoke clove nasties til Mt made them difficult to acquire (yay) but went head over heels into the full blown nasties.

He has to stop smoking Drs orders, but he's young and stubborn.. I am hoping to outwit him.

I know where to get the clove juice, or mellow spice, (IDK which would be best really) but I need to find a "cool" setup that he can get decent clouds off of.

He works w a dang stinky hanging out of his mouth so I need to get the right nicotine mix and all for inexpensive.

Ideas please, he's getting too big for me or his mom to beat, or bully into quitting so he's getting a surprise, before the next big seizure strikes.

Thanks ahead of time you guys are the best.

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Changing lives is a treat, I get to do it everyday..my favorite is Mr. And Mrs. Romero, very nice 88/84 year old couple, started em out, changed thier coils... Now when they come in for supplies.. I get big hugs, and she bring me food...it's so cute, and they've changed from a nicotine hued amber to a lighter healthy glow..makes it all worthwhile!

You old softie, you! :)

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I'd have to say either a vision spinner or joytech ego starter kit and maybe a cpl evod tanks to start with depending on what the kit comes with. Should be durable enough and get him a good feel for what it's like to vape. 24mg juice in a flavor you think is best.

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Don't get me wrong, I like my vv v3! I think the spinners/twists will do basicaly the same thing exept for reading ohms of the coil, but I'd bet the others would be more durable to start. The evod tanks are cheap and IMO at least are a good starting point. Maybe not top of the line, but gets ya going.

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He needs durable, that's for sure, and I'm waiting for comp to get done playing Easter Bunny to get the juice, I've never tried clove stinkys so have no idea if theyre all clove or ??? Compenstine will know.

Boy fishy your awfully well behaved, go smack around any balls today?

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He won't get Big Clouds off a spinner or twist Nice but not Big. The Evod would be a good starter, but if he wants the big clouds he would need to go with a Mech and dripper. Vamos are durable and coupled with a Pro 2 or Davide would work well They are glass and would not be as durable as plastic.

Plastic has it issues, but the IClear 16 is a nice starter tank coils are not cheap. The Evod tank would also be a reasonable choice as they use the Kanger coil heads. They are less expensive to maintain and are plastic. They are covered with an aluminum sleeve that will help protect the tank.

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Well he's a good kid but also an adult w a job..

his cousin is marrying one of the guys at the local b&m, so to please pa, I'll get him a starter and he can go from there.

I think I have an idea now.

Will a plastic tank go to crap fast w the clove?

I know mine lasted about a month on apple when I started out.

But as soon as I added lemon "crack"... but it was cheap...

I figure I lasted 6 mos on my vv/vw2 and cheap stuff so after a month he could decide if he wants to upgrade, if he does ... if not or he loses it, I won't cry too hard.

Thanks guys I appreciate it so much.

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Clove has been known to crack plastic tanks. The pmma plastic tanks hold up a little better to clove but in the end they will eventually fail. Quartz glass or pyrex is the best way to go. I seen stainless cages somewhere for kpt. Buy I do know you can get a full Ss kpt aftermarket upgrade if you it to be hulk smash armor

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