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Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.


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People freak out about subohming. Yes you should be smart about how low you go and know your batteries but blowing up and venting are two different things. When a battery vents it DOES NOT blow up. It's when there isn't adequate vent holes in a mod that there becomes a problem. And even before battery failure there is a pretty good chance that the mod would get so damn hot you drop it. Here is a video of a battery being purposefully vented in a mod. I warn you it's pretty anticlimactic. http://youtu.be/ZQocKa-Rh-s

Edited by CASEACE79
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Matt at madvapes has a lonnnnnng tutorial for sub ohms, & covers some of the safety basics. He's pretty thorough, & shows how to build a quad as if you've never built one before. Which, I haven't, yet I understood him, because I've build dual before. I'll post it here, in case it might clue some people in about safety.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any reports of batteries venting due to sub ohm vaping?

Of course there's not. No one talks about the screw ups they just show off the good results. I've never done it personally but I do know fellow vapers that have had batteries over heat and vent because they pushed them to hard. They kind of laugh it off and admit they knew they were beyond the battery's limits. They also know how lucky they are.

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I don't think it is fair to bash or belittle anyone that sub ohms. Yes there are issues with kids doing this and that is a shame. There has always been issues with the attitude of Young Dumb and full of %^$. That will be the case no matter what it is. Go to Daytona Beach during spring break.

I think there needs to be some tolerance here for those that do Sub Ohm and do it for the simple fact to stay of analogs. Yes Vaping is a touchy issue because of the FDA, but we all know that will not change. I remember when people making homemade Mods from flashlights were bashed for bringing on the wrath of the FDA and blah blah... Now look at what we have today, that is what has brought us to point of having Vamos, Provari's, Twist batteries, and so on. If it is not for you, that is fine.... If is then that should be fine too. If a person is good with a Twist battery and KPT pro 2 and it is what keeps them off analogs... More power to them. If a person needs more than that to stay off analogs, who are we to tell them they are wrong for doing so? Sub Ohming is only silly to those that don't feel the need. How boring would this world be if every one did the same thing because it was what a few people dictated to you that you could do. It is no different than the person that Bashes and belittles vaping as whole because they quit cold turkey. They think anyone that vapes is silly and weak minded. I did it why can't you attitudes are insensitive to others and narrow minded.

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I don't think it is fair to bash or belittle anyone that sub ohms. Yes there are issues with kids doing this and that is a shame. There has always been issues with the attitude of Young Dumb and full of %^$. That will be the case no matter what it is. Go to Daytona Beach during spring break.

I think there needs to be some tolerance here for those that do Sub Ohm and do it for the simple fact to stay of analogs. Yes Vaping is a touchy issue because of the FDA, but we all know that will not change. I remember when people making homemade Mods from flashlights were bashed for bringing on the wrath of the FDA and blah blah... Now look at what we have today, that is what has brought us to point of having Vamos, Provari's, Twist batteries, and so on. If it is not for you, that is fine.... If is then that should be fine too. If a person is good with a Twist battery and KPT pro 2 and it is what keeps them off analogs... More power to them. If a person needs more than that to stay off analogs, who are we to tell them they are wrong for doing so? Sub Ohming is only silly to those that don't feel the need. How boring would this world be if every one did the same thing because it was what a few people dictated to you that you could do. It is no different than the person that Bashes and belittles vaping as whole because they quit cold turkey. They think anyone that vapes is silly and weak minded. I did it why can't you attitudes are insensitive to others and narrow minded.

I can only like it once, so here's some more.

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I've heard of one, but not in the act of actual vaping. But in mod and button stuck and wasn't noticed. Things are going to happen even if you aren't sub or super sub ohm.

Here is one. Fired for 30 minutes while the dude was gone.


If I so much as leave the room, the battery comes out of my mech mods... Too risky! And they almost never go in my pocket. Before I did a magnetic switch upgrade in my nemesis mech mod, the switch fell apart and fired in my pocket. A .2 ohm quad coil build gets PRETTY hot in your pocket. Took around 30 minutes to cool down. But hey it didn't ruin my coil or wicks!

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I don't sub ohm, a 1 ohm dripper is just fine for me. But I had a nemesis clone short on me, the battery inside got as hot as a skillet. If I hadn't been holding it, there would have been a blown battery for sure. I boxed up all my nemmy clones and am done with them.

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I run .38 ohm and love it. I go back to higher and it's not the same. .38 isn't crazy but I still treat it with respect. I never thought I would have more than a Blu. Step by step I moved and can't go back. One huge downside is the atrocious amount of juice. Oh and I found for popping wick tighter and coil to air bent placement is key. I can get smooth no popping it's awesome. Don't wick as tight and or move those coils slightly different from the vents and oh yeah pop bang crack. Not enjoyable IMHO.

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The insane prizes at cloud competitions makes the 0.08ohm build real worth it to me. Been vaping for YEARS sub ohm, not one battery venting issue. I have never heard of a battery venting from anyone in my circle who consistantly vape at 0.1 - 0.05 I have never ran across a legitimately confirmed story of it either. I'm sure there is risk, but there is risk in every day activities like driving or sailing. Risk and reward, people weight that themselves.

(I'm referring to batteries venting off a normal hit, not button sticking or anything.)

Edited by Vaporsmith
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Lol, vandalism. Someone put a sticker on another shops door. I hardly call that vandalism, and no, I wasn't a part of that.

My friend who started atlsubohmkrew is disliked by a particular shop who continuously spreads rumors and lies about the the group. Pretty childish.

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I dont think the danger lies within regular use of a sub-ohm device, but within the fact that if it does stick for some reason, what could happen?

I vented a sony vtc4 in my stingray not too long ago, first time it has ever happened to me.

Sitting on the couch playing video games, mod sitting on my lap, rolled under my leg and under a blanked. I apparently moved on top of it, causing it to fire for however long it took for me to feel it through the blanket and my pants. Pretty scary, if I hadn't caught it when I did what could have happened?

Not saying it shouldn't be done, just saying if you don't pay close attention, it very well can be dangerous.

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Not using the right batteries could also be catastrophic. If your battery is not a quality high amp battery it could become a run away very quickly. Some will turn your MOD into a pipe bomb if the venting is blocked or not enough venting is present. I had a LG battery get very hot after only a few draws of a .5 ohm build. They work great in my VAMO, but not good for sub ohming. Best approach is do your homework and don't just take battery safety for granted.

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