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Dictionary Word of the Day/Year: Simulacrum.

From Wikipedia
: The word
), from
, which means "likeness, similarity",
was first recorded in the English language in the late 16th century, used to describe a representation, such as a statue or a painting, especially of a god. By the late 19th century, it had gathered a secondary association of inferiority: an image without the substance or qualities of the original. (

I propose this to be the term to describe inspired designs that are clearly not as good as the original, or are just clearly NOT the original. A 1:1 clone is like the HCigar Kayfun Lite Plus. It looks and works every bit as good as the original.

Then you have the Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer. While it is DEFINITELY made with inferior materials and in substandard craftsmanship compared to SvoeMaesto's KayFun, it is said to perform amazingly well. It also cannot be confused with a KayFun, neither the original or clone. It is something else entirely, but it was designed in the image of the Kayfun.

Whether you are vaping clones, originals or simulacrums, the only thing that matters is if it works for you! Vape on!

Rocket-2-300x290.jpg The Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer, A Simulacrum
hcigar_kayfun_3.1_russian_91__clone_2-30 The HCigar Kayfun 3.1 Clone, a perfect 1:1 of the original SvoeMaesto design,
komplett_1-300x225.jpg The Original Kayfun Lite Plus by SvoeMaesto

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