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I figured out if sitting by my wood stove I can stealth vape successfully, at my age I'm stealth vaping ... its crazy I know but someone doesn't like the clouds and smelling all the fruity stuff. (He's Not convinced yet that second hand vapor doesn't cause issues).

last night my dog and I sat by the wood stove and it worked.. she loves the smell and I could Vape in peace... which was nice she used to smack my analog out of my hand, sneeze and grab my pack, run outside & shred them.

Smart dogs were a pain!

Now we are all happy!

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When we smoked, we didnt smoke in the house. We didnt smoke in the car (if our son was in it). We never hid the fact that we smoked from our son but we tried to not expose him to it. None the less he would cough, every night. He was on allergy medicine and the doctor said it was just allergies. Within a month of my wife and I switching to vaping his cough disappeared and now nearly a year later there is no medicine to take. We vape everywhere. In the car, in the living room, and short of not blowing it in his face take very few precautions other than keeping my supplies put up. He is 9 and I do not have to worry about him messing with it.

Even with basic knowledge of chemistry and physics it is very difficult to comprehend a scenario where second hand vapor would be bad and contain any more than traces of nicotine since the absorption rate is much higher vaping than smoking, and even then I would think it would only be there until the vapor subsides.

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