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Cholesterol check!


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Just got the results back from a recent blood test. Two years ago (long story) my LDL cholesterol was at a little over 200, which is very, very not good and considered to be "extremely high." I couldn't tolerate any of the many different cholesterol lowering statins because I wound up with some really nasty side effects from them.

Today? I'm at 128, which is at "near or at optimal." My triglycerides are excellent, HDL number is good and overall cholesterol is at 196. 200 is the desired number but lower is better.

The only thing I do differently from then is...I stopped smoking and started vaping.

My diet's always been full of healthy-ish things with lots of fresh fruit and veggies with an occasional steak and pizza but pretty rarely at that.

When I'd asked my doc if he thought vaping would make a difference and lower my cholesterol he snapped at me with a, "it won't make any difference at all!"

I need to find a new and more informed doctor. I want to tell him, "There! You bast@rd! Take that!" Lol. :D

Edited by Tameiki
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I need to get in for a full workup. Just gotta find the time. My weight has dropped since I started vaping, so thats good. Before I started I was in the 240 lb range. Down to 220 now. If I can get down to 200, I'll be happy! When I was discharged from the Corps the first time (1998), I was 200lbs at 7% body fat. But after being recalled back to active service and then being medically retired, I can't run anymore, so trying to stay healthy has been a struggle.

But now... I can breath much easier! Vaping has changed my life! And I'm happy to have friends like you that inspire me to continue improving my life!

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Tameiki that's great news! In 6 mos mines dropped 40 pts, I can't take statins either, or BP meds and as of yesterday my cadmium (heavy metal toxicity) levels are down to near nothing, and lost another 8 lbs (diabetics don't just lose weight) no more stinky crap for me.

Isn't it amazing how vaping & good people supporting you makes a difference...


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Hubby and I took our blood pressure at home a week ago.... While my BP has ALWAYS been good, it was my resting heart rate that I've been worried about. Last time I took it on our machine, it was over 100. I was still a smoker. Last week, when we did it, my resting heart rate was.... (Drum roll please) 61! MAJOR freaking difference.

Hubby's blood pressure (even on meds) has always been on the high side, and the time before he stopped smoking it was like in the 140s/90s, heart rate high like mine in the low 100s.

Stop smoking, a month after he started vaping.... BP 119/79 heart rate 65.

Absolutely NOTHING else changed. Our diet has remained consistent. Our lifestyles have remained the same EXCEPT the fact that we stopped smoking and started vaping.

Take that, big tobacco and big pharm!

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I need to get in for a full workup. Just gotta find the time. My weight has dropped since I started vaping, so thats good. Before I started I was in the 240 lb range. Down to 220 now. If I can get down to 200, I'll be happy! When I was discharged from the Corps the first time (1998), I was 200lbs at 7% body fat. But after being recalled back to active service and then being medically retired, I can't run anymore, so trying to stay healthy has been a struggle.

But now... I can breath much easier! Vaping has changed my life! And I'm happy to have friends like you that inspire me to continue improving my life!

Congrats on losing the 20 lbs. That's a great achievement! I look forward to hearing your happy results when you get time to go see your doc. This breathing thing is great, isn't it? I think I've become addicted. Lol. :D

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Tameiki that's great news! In 6 mos mines dropped 40 pts, I can't take statins either, or BP meds and as of yesterday my cadmium (heavy metal toxicity) levels are down to near nothing, and lost another 8 lbs (diabetics don't just lose weight) no more stinky crap for me.

Isn't it amazing how vaping & good people supporting you makes a difference...


Thank you and congratulations! I've heard it time and time again how vapers are able to either lower their dosage or get off certain meds altogether after they've been vaping for awhile. My fingers are crossed that your cholesterol goes down as mine did. I've also heard of people not needing to take BP meds anymore so there's hope and incentive for you. Good luck! :)

Oh, and that's wonderful news that you were able to lose 8 lbs! That's HUGE for a diabetic. Go you! :animier:

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Hubby and I took our blood pressure at home a week ago.... While my BP has ALWAYS been good, it was my resting heart rate that I've been worried about. Last time I took it on our machine, it was over 100. I was still a smoker. Last week, when we did it, my resting heart rate was.... (Drum roll please) 61! MAJOR freaking difference.

Hubby's blood pressure (even on meds) has always been on the high side, and the time before he stopped smoking it was like in the 140s/90s, heart rate high like mine in the low 100s.

Stop smoking, a month after he started vaping.... BP 119/79 heart rate 65.

Absolutely NOTHING else changed. Our diet has remained consistent. Our lifestyles have remained the same EXCEPT the fact that we stopped smoking and started vaping.

Take that, big tobacco and big pharm!

Congrats! And things like this is why Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are trying to get e-cigs off the market. Gotta love all the benefits to our health, huh? :D

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