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Hello Yall...I've been going crazy cause I can't get my e cig to work....well out of desperation, i took off that little plastic cap part that goes over the wick thingies...Now I get tons of vapor and its working great...I just have to be very careful to not tip it too much so that the e liquid won't get into the center where the coils are.....Is that bad to do and why would that little cap being off now make it work ?? Anyway i'm happily puffing away now!!

Hugs, Blanche


Hi Blanche

Have you told us what kind of tank you are using?

The plastic thingy is a seal that prevents juice from getting in to the airway. Some times they are too tight and they pinch off the wicks blocking juice flow. It's okay if you remove it but it is likely to eventually lead to leaking or flooding the coil. If that happens then you will want to dry everything including the top of your battery.

Tell us what device/tank you are using. :)


I had the same issue with my mini protank 2 and one of the members told me to flip that seal upside down and now vaping away ive layed mine on its side no leaking or flooding


Thanks for your answers...I had to go surf around and find out what tank i have...I'm a newbie...I have an Innokin iclear 30, dual coil, stainless steel with a rotating tip....I love the vape i get off of it with the little plastic thingy off but i have to be real careful not to tip it too much...Will doing it this way harm my tank in any way?

Hugs, Blanche


You have a tank that gets mixed reviews. Some report no problems, others have a lot of trouble with them.

It won't harm your tank but but when you are ready for a new tank there are better ones. Let us know when you're ready. :)

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