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Hello from Liverpool!


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I'm not entirely new to ecigs but i am new to this forum and if anyone can help my find a good cheap (not too cheap) setup then it'd be much appreciated. I started vaping about six months ago and for the first two months or so used a standard ego ce4 setup. I then found myself looking for more so i purchased an EVOD clone and vaped with that for a month or two and it worked fine, apart from the occasional bit of liquid leaking. Then it broke and i went a month without vaping when i returned to cigarettes. Just shy of that month finishing I got together a small sum of money and decided to go looking for a new setup, but you know, something decent. So i took to the streets of Liverpool city centre and sound a small ecig vendor on Bold Street called ebacco. The staff in there are really nice and they know what they're talking about too it's clearly something they have a passion for, so I purchased an ego twist and a Kanger protank 2 from there. within two weeks of having that setup it got stolen (which irritated me greatly). So last Saturday i decided to venture back to ebacco and I got myself an Itaste VV V.3 and a Kanger mini protank 2 for a cracking price (I thought it was too good to be true so I went to another ecig vendor to make sure it was genuine, and it was :thumbup: ). As part of their customer service front, ebacco replace any faulty goods they sell for no charge, and as expected i managed to break my mini protank 2 (somehow), and as a result one of the staff in there was kind enough to give me a protank 2 to replace my faulty mini protank 2, so now i'm rocking that bad boy on my Itaste and i LOVE it!

This was kind of a rant about my vaping experience so far and also a little shoutout to ebacco (who've just got their site on the net, go check them out; www.ebacco.net)

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Welcome to VaporTalk! You'll find a lot of knowledgable people here to help in anyway they can. It sounds like you got yourself a pretty good setup! Good for you! Just be easy on those Protanks! Lol! :D

Ha ha thanks pal, Kanger seems to have been the way forward with tanks for me so far, I've got a 1.8ohms coil in my Protank and it keeps me happy Lol :D

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