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Where I Am and where I'm Headed

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Yep. This happened at 4:30pm cst. They're just now getting around to fixing it! My road repair dept has been dragging their feet all evening. We have a 7:30am appt for unload, and we're still 5hrs away. Hope they get it all fixed before 2am or we ain't gonna make it on time.

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@Joe, yeah, it was a recap.

@Tam, when a tire blows out in a dual setup like this, the one that doesn't blow out keeps the trailer stable. It REALLY sucks for anyone that may be riding a little too close to the rear of my trailer.

When one goes out, you hear what sounds like a shotgun going off and feel a slight shudder in the way the trailer pulls. It has the potentional for being very dangerous if the tire that goes out, comes loose and rips an airline apart. That could cause all the tires on it to lock up and go into a skid.

We were lucky that, when it blew, Derek was in the right lane and immediately go pulled over to the shoulder. We assesed the damage and then limped the trailer 4 miles to the next exit to the T/A truckstop. When the tread seperated, it took out 3 lights and mangled the mudflap mounting bracket.

All in all, we're okay. I think Derek needed to change his undies though. Lol

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It'll be alright. They're working on it now. But I doubt we'll make our appointment time for delivery. I'm sure the Home Depot DC will understand though. They're pretty cool about working trucks in. After that, we pickup drywall in Cumberland City, TN heading to the house for the w/e and delivering to Garden City, KS on monday.

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We overshot our landing.lol!

Didn't get in till 5am this morning. Needless to say,but I won't be getting any sleep till this afternoon. Drinking coffee, getting ready to put lawn mower back together in the garage. Have to replace all three mandrel/spindle assemblies. Bearing failure on one caused the other two to fail. But, HEY, I don't have to mow this w/e! It's raining! Yaaaay ME!

Sorrry, get a little loopy when sleep deprived.lol

Taking my little gray girl, Sadie, to the groomer at 8:30. Gotta do some grocery shopping, pick up dog at 11, come home and drop off dog and put away groceries, then.... I'm HEADED TO BRANSON VAPE SHOP BABY!!!

Been getting vape-blocked by life for the last 4 weekends. Time to get my vape on! Lol

Cristy's gonna drop me off there and probably hit 6 or 7 stores in Branson. Which means, I'll have at least 3-4hrs hang time with some friends and the owner. Probably spend a few bucks. Get a chance to do some coil building and unwind.

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Just checkin in! Been in Nowhere, Kansas battling high winds. Had a butt-pucker moment last night with tornado areas and super heavy rain/hail mix. Loaded shingles in northern Kansas heading to Nowhere, Iowa now. Lol! Clear skies to the west of us. Too bad we're heading east under constant cloud cover. Just when I thought summer was hitting! Glad I kept my heavy jacket on the truck! Lol

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