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I bought atomized cartridges...for my ego. I bought 5 boxes and it has been a pain ever since. You have to suck like crazy and you never get much vapor ( sometimes you do) but the other day I looked into my EGO box and found what came with my ego originally was an atomizer and a little plastic thing full of liquid you just slip into the atomizer. Man did it work great!!!

So I want to buy those again that came with the ego in the first place. Does anyone know where I can get these? Maybe they are in the store but I had no luck or they are packaged in a new product not sure. I apologize but I don't know to much about these things so any help to locate those little plastic things again would be appreciated. Thanks. :)


Im guessing an ego-T . The mouth piece is a "tank" that gets pierced by the atomizer.

I have seen them on websites but since you order the atomizer separately they aren't called cartos. I forget what they are called but if you google "ego-c" and "ego-t" they will come up.


It won't allow me to post a picture.

The links you sent me to are not the same shape the link is differant. I guess I should try though. I hate ordering blind like this though. :(


Where did you buy your original kit from? Do they have an online presence that you could post a link to?


Take a picture and save it onto your hard drive. Then, go to somewhere like Photobucket, upload pic. Get the link for a direct link and paste that into your post. That should do it.


I think these are them just differant shape.

eGo-T/eGo-C Tank Cartridges (Type A, Transparent Black)

Where did you buy your original kit from? Do they have an online presence that you could post a link to?

I bought it from you guys maybe three years ago


Oh wow I think maybe it is time to upgrade then. You can get a mini pro tank 2 or Iclear 16s that would work well on the battery you already have. The Mini would be the best choice since the coil heads are relatively cheap and can be found every where.

Oh there yea go, Didn't even realize VTS still had them :D


Well like some where saying if newer but works... anything but those cartridges I was using. God the help you get here is outstanding... thanks


You will like the mini pro and will work well on your current battery.

Okay I will try these then. Thank you very much!

Your welcome :)


The tanks will, the 2 5 packs will last about 3 - 3 1/2 months each coil head lasts between 1-2 weeks. That does depend on your vaping habits too. If you are a light vaper they could last longer. Dark and sweet juices will cause the coils to last a shorter period of time.


Okay thank-you Compenstine. Where do you get help like this anymore??? I'm still in shock. Thanks a bunch to everyone.


The good news is you can get much more than you were expecting without spending a ton of money on stuff! If you were happy before, you won't even believe what you'll get now. :yes

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