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Hello From Nebraska!


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Hey there!

A little about me!

I quit smoking several years ago. I loved smoking but I hated the health risks and the adverse effects smoking caused my body, and the awful stench. I quit smoking but I missed the act of smoking. The relaxing feeling of inhaling a cloud of goodness and breathing out the bad. In all actuality smoking was my form of meditation.

I discovered E-Cigs.... Back then there were no fancy vapes just cigarette look-a-likes and a single stick rechargeable battery with disposable cartridges that looked like filters ran a few hundred dollars. I decided to buy into it because I loved to smoke. I then received my package int he mail and tried it out.... It was disappointing to say the least. I probably used it a few times and just gave up.

Last year I decided to try again. This time I tried a brand of ecig that is named after a color, and to my surprise I felt it wasn't half bad! It made me excited to have that feeling of smoking that I so very much missed over the years. Soon after that I wandered into my first "Vape" shop.. Fuhgettaboutit.....

I was sold! I got the cheapest 1100 mah Ego style entry level vape I could get and two bottles of ejuice. Sweet Carmel Tobacco, and Pirate Jack. Both tobacco in nature because I am not a froo-froo drinker nor am I a hooka smoker so tobacco felt the best path to go.

I haven't looked back!

I also have begun making my own e-juices! So I am sure you see me in the ejuice sections taking in all the info I can and asking a few questions here and there.

I hope I can make some great friends on here and I am glad there is a great place to share information in making Vaping a very valid and acceptable lifestyle choice!


Chris aka "The Vaporist"

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