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It seems to me that RY4 and its variants are, or are becoming, THE classic flavor of Juice. Even Eliquid Planet refers to it as "The Legend". Several other suppliers have produced their own versions of this flavor, like my favorite, the VT Dulcis (fantastic stuff). So, say that e-cigs were banned tomorrow (god forbid), would this be the juice that people would be paying exorbitant prices to get, whose name is whispered with reverence in back alleys? Discuss...;)

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Hmmmm.... hard to answer that one. Kinda like trying to pick a horse. I think all prices would stay pretty much close together, even if one supply was lower than another, what would the point of price gouging be. JMHO

I didnt know Dulcis was like RY4, hmmmm, I must get some. My 2 favorites right now are 555 by ANYBODY, and RY4. I wish I could find a keg o' 555 ! And coming in a close 3rd is Camel Wides by wordup.

Edited by keenan
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OK, Ive edited my last post 3 x, so Im just posting a P.S. here- I would turn to a life of crime to keep my supply of 555 coming in. If they said tomorrow that vaping was worse than analogs, that would be a shame for R.J. Reynolds cuz I aint goin back. I know Im gettin off topic a little, but true to topic, if it DID come to blackmarket juice, Id be the Al Capone and Chris would be Bugs Moran.

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Well if you like 555 definitely also try the VT Exotic tobacco, similar nutty flavor but spicier. Now that my taste buds are coming back I am starting to pick up some wonderful spice notes in that juice, things like cardamom. The Dulcis is sort of an RY4 on crack, similar but more intensely flavored.

And I too am finally enjoying some cool weather here in FL. Better enjoy it wile it lasts (all 3 weeks).


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The Dulcis is sort of an RY4 on crack, similar but more intensely flavored.


Wow ! Thats hardcore ! I'll have to try the Exotic as well. I see youre in Orlando, Im in Lakeland. Today was friggin AWESOME ! Im a damn yankee, originally from NYC, I LOVE the cold.

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The exotic tobacco and dulcis both tend to live on the business end of my 510 on a daily basis ;) I'm on the north end of Orlando, in the Lake Mary/Sanford area. It was really nice to wake up, walk outside and feel the cool, just wish it wasn't so cloudy. I'm originally from much farther south, Barbados to be exact, but I too love the cooler weather.


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The exotic tobacco and dulcis both tend to live on the business end of my 510 on a daily basis ;) I'm on the north end of Orlando, in the Lake Mary/Sanford area. It was really nice to wake up, walk outside and feel the cool, just wish it wasn't so cloudy. I'm originally from much farther south, Barbados to be exact, but I too love the cooler weather.


Barbados man, cool ! I see you play Guitar, me too ! I have an Ovation and Strat and a couple others. Thanks for all the info and welcome to VT

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Hmmmm.... hard to answer that one. Kinda like trying to pick a horse. I think all prices would stay pretty much close together, even if one supply was lower than another, what would the point of price gouging be. JMHO

I didnt know Dulcis was like RY4, hmmmm, I must get some. My 2 favorites right now are 555 by ANYBODY, and RY4. I wish I could find a keg o' 555 ! And coming in a close 3rd is Camel Wides by wordup.

I personally think that Dulcis is superior to RY-4. Granted Dulcis is slightly less sweeter than RY-4 and has a 555 flavor mixed in. If Keenan likes 555 he ought to try the Exotic Tobacco from Vapor Talk Juice.

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OK, Ive edited my last post 3 x, so Im just posting a P.S. here- I would turn to a life of crime to keep my supply of 555 coming in. If they said tomorrow that vaping was worse than analogs, that would be a shame for R.J. Reynolds cuz I aint goin back. I know Im gettin off topic a little, but true to topic, if it DID come to blackmarket juice, Id be the Al Capone and Chris would be Bugs Moran.

Numbers and e-juice... What a racket !!!! Fugetaboutit !!!!!

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I personally think that Dulcis is superior to RY-4. Granted Dulcis is slightly less sweeter than RY-4 and has a 555 flavor mixed in. If Keenan likes 555 he ought to try the Exotic Tobacco from Vapor Talk Juice.

I heartily concur on both points. I just pulled out a bottle of 555 I have and did a side-by-side with the exotic tobacco. And the ET is to 555 what Dulcis is to the RY4, a better version of that flavor that you know and love.

I'm not sure that I would call the Dulcis less sweet. To me RY4 has a difference balance of flavor where you can taste the tobacco base a bit more. The Dulcis seems to punch up the caramel but also adds something slightly tart that cuts the sweet. I have to admit that coming off of analogs, my taste buds are coming back and the flavors in these juices are starting to change radically to me (in a good way). So what I am tasting may be very different in a few weeks and is currently different from what you and others taste.


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