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Greetings All


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New to Vaping (first week) and am looking for a comunity to join.

I joined the big one but the pages turn so fast (7 minutes after my post, it was already down on page 2) I don't know how anyone can get a question answered.

Regardless, I figured I'd check things out here so , HI ALL


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Thanks for the warm welcome

Quick question, why doesn't the spell ckeck work here (FireFox with spell check enabled). I can't spell worth crap and need this to work :laughing:.

As an Electronics Engineer with 10 years flying remote controlled aircraft using Battery power only I may be able to add some value.

I'm already thinking of using a pair of A123 LiIon cells with a Comfile PLC chip and a 30 amp MOSFET chip as a battery source ( the PLC lets me use PWM to control the MOSFET, this allows me to control the "Watt Second" from 0 to 32,000, now that is voltage control).

Thanks for the welcome


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