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Hi well previously I had the v 2 cig alike and honestly i enjoyed that. It had a powerful throat hit. but i wanted something else. so i go the 510 joye tech. it came yesterday . i got tons of liquids for it around 11 mg. Let me tell you this 510 joyeteche is the most confusig thing i have ever seen in my life. Took me an hour to figure it out. But anyway i wasn't feeling any kind of throat hit with the 11 mg on the joyteche 510. The lady

told me since it is 11 mg you will not feeel a throat hit. (bummer i shoud've researched before i got it)

Also the whole filling the e liquid every single time and the polyfiller looks so complicated to me. For example if iam working i would have to fill liquid every single time i smoke ad honestly that won't work out for me. I need something with a great throat hit for 11 mg liquid and easy to use. Can anybody reccomed me a easy to use e cig with a great throat hit. i would really appreciate it.

The lady told me i should get the Provision . I have no clue what that is. But thats why i came in here to here some reccomendations. Your guys reccomedations will conclude my descison of what to get. Since i already wasted 60 dollars on the joyetech 510 equipment i need to make a solid conclusion. Don't want to keep on buying e cig models . I had only bought the 510 joyeteche because i had heard some great reviews online but never knew about the non existant 11mg e liquid throat hit. So please help me out. Thanks I would really really really appreciate it.


The great thing about the 510 is that so many things are compatible with it. I recommend getting a tank for your 510 rather than using those cotton cartridge stuff, I agree they suck.

So if you want to keep it simple and stick with stuff from Joyetech, order the 510 T atomizer and the 510 T cartridges and try that out.




From what little bit I've learned, throat hit is more a matter of pg/vg mixture than nic level. I would think nic can have some small effect since the end result does seem dependant on the total mix, but I believe the nic effects the flavor more than the hit. I have sampled some flavors that had quite a pop with low nic, and vice versa. As to the equipment, I've been quite content using eGo type batteries and EVOD tanks.

My first suggestion would be to find a good store with people who know what they're talking about and are willing to take the time to explain everything to your satisfaction about the equipment you're considering - both pro and con. And, this forum is a very good source of information to verify anything you've been told. One more bit of advice would be to have more than one battery, a small number of tanks, and, depending on which tank you choose, a pack or replacement coils/wicks. Nothing worse than being off somewhere when your battery goes dead or your fluids start tasting burnt and you have no backup. If you're committed to replacing tobacco with vaping, your initial investment might be a little more than you expected, but in the long run will be well worth it.


I haven't had any experience with joy tech products, so I can't really tell u anything about them. So, with that said, u could get a couple of like ego twists and a good tank atomizer( like a pro tank, or Davide, they both come in a mini version). If u look around u could probably find a good starter kit and a tank or two for around $30 or so. The twists and the tanks r very easy to use, and they would also help with the having to fill the atty often. The tanks hold a good bit of juice. Also with the twist u can change your voltage setting, so u can get a little bit bigger hit. Getting some higher nic and pg juice and mixing it with the juice u already have would help too. You would have to spend a little more money, but if it keeps u from smoking, it worth it. As least in my opinion. I hope u find something that works for u.

Posted (edited)

"Joyetec 510". Doesn't tell us exactly what you have. Can you post a pic of what you have?

Maybe the Joyetec "e-roll"?

Edited by Bebop12

The Joye 510 that he is describing is the old cartridge cigalike type. They are frustrating to use. Filling is a pain you need to keep a paperclip handy to fluff up the poly fill. You also need to remove the poly fill refill replace the poly fill. It is messy. This why most people went to dripping them and took out the poly fill. You need to blow them out often because juice will plug up the air flow.

I suggest a Twist or ego style battery. Even a simple $15-20 CE4 style starter kit would be easier to use. The EVOD starter kit would also be a good choice and they are around $38-40. Keep the Joye 510as a back up and look at the CE4 or EVOD. I posted links for you from my site because it was easy for me. Shop around and get your best price.

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