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Posted (edited)

  On 11/12/2009 at 3:04 PM, deathawaits87 said:

I just want to see what others think about this topic...

I voted yes, for obvious reasons. But, as i was a polite smoker, I am also a polite vaper. If it offends one person, then I will happily oblige and go somewhere else. As long as I am not RIDICULED for seeking out my personal gratification, I have no qualms complying. As it totally infuriated me over the years with analogs being banned in more and more places, I cant argue that it wasnt a step in the right direction health wise. Once people are educated about e cigs, I think they will become more socially acceptable.

Edited by keenan

I think Vaping should be allowed at the work place, but again it's totally up to the employer. Most people that make those decisions, at least initially, won't go along with the idea because they're uninformed; but, as people become more informed things will change.


I voted yes. So far my employer has had no problem with it and it's a very anti-smoking environment. I vape in the break room and no one has complained. I stealth vape while out in my dept[ garden dept] usually watering the trees :innocent:


I obviously voted yes, but I do think it should be left up to the employer and the employer alone. I don't think government intervention is needed. At the end of the day, appearance is everything, how that employer wants to be perceived is up to him/her/them.


I voted yes too. But I highly doubt the owners where I work would allow it. My first year or so working here I thought I was the only smoker. Another year or so later I find out there were a couple "closet smokers" that would sneak out sometimes and smoke behind the dumpsters in fear that our bosses would see them. Talk about being back in high school right? With that said, I never smoked around work. Now that I vape, I'm not as secretive about it. But I still make sure the bosses don't see me. I just don't think they'd understand and I really don't feel like explaining myself lol.


I voted Yes also. As I understand the ban against analogs for safety reasons, the e-cig should not be banned as it is a safer product all around.


this poll is a bit biased.

So I expect mostly yeses(??) (first time I ever had to pluralize yes)

I always vape in my own office. I didn't smoke in my office though.


I voted yes. I understand that employers should have the right to decide what type of activities should be allowed in the work place, given that it doesn't break any laws, but why should an employer ban e-cigarettes? Analogs are banned for good and serious reasons. But e-cigarettes don't pose any health risks to others, do they?

And the idea of a restaurant, bar, or even airline banning e-cigarettes is ridiculous, IMO. Are other forms of NRTs banned in public places? The more exposure people have to the benefits of the electronic cigarette, the more understanding they will be.

Posted (edited)

My work wont let me Vape inside until they have FDA aproval that its safe for others!!

I understand the rule just hate the smell of the burnt butts in the smoke pin..Dam that was me 3 months ago!!!!

Boy have we come a long way..

Edited by SteveD1

I absolutely agree it should be up to the employer. Respect your workplace, or find a new job. I work from home, so I can see why some people would think it kind of lame for me to make that statement, but I also travel all the time, and I don't smoke my e-cig inside of the airport or the plane. Why? Because travel can be very stressful to people, and while I may think it's totally cool to vape away, in that situation it would be inappropriate in my opinion as it could upset the people around me, and because of that I do not use my e-cig until I get outside of the terminal. It's just a common courtesy thing to me. The last thing I want to do is to cause an incident over something so trivial. But that's me, if you want to vape in an airport / workplace / etc. go for it, more power to you, hopefully it works out, but if you know that it could create a negative situation you then have to deal with just ask yourself is it worth your trouble?


At one point I employed over fifteen people, with 90% of them being smokers. Depends on how valuable ones time really is to the employer, and how he reviews or creates progress/ daily productivity reports. From experience, when someone has to leave whatever work they are doing for 10-15 min, it definetly costs an employer more. 15 minutes is whole lot more than just that. When getting back from that break, one has to get situated in their mindset to get back on to the productive conveyor belt they were rolling on before they left for their vape break. Same goes with a smoke break or whatever break. Assuming that vaping at work was kept reasonable (not dripping every 5 minutes all day), I believe it would most definetly be better for the employer. An employee being able to stay focused on the task at hand without having to readjust from dropping everything for a vape, could make a happy employer and employee. Employers, let the people vape. Of course profession might make a difference too. If your constantly in the public eye, that makes things a little more difficult on convincing the boss. It would be one badass day if the FDA would just do their homework and show the public that vaping is not harmful to others.


  On 11/12/2009 at 8:06 PM, Christopher said:

I don't think government intervention is needed.

Well, that government intervention thing is exactly my problem. I work for the government, in a government owned and controlled building. I'm afraid to find the right, building/HR/whatever people I'd need to ask for permission who'd have to go up heck knows what chain of command to get a ruling. :(:blink:

Hence, I stealth in my cubicle or outside. Okay, occasionally when I'm in the raised floor data area, which is huge and easy to hide between racks of routers and switches. :) Hopefully vapor isn't harmful to extremely expensive Cisco equipment.


Considering we all are vapo-heads, of course we will all vote yes, but, like everyone else it will be up to the employer.

Although most juice you cant smell, some you can .. and they smell good.

I was waiting for my hubby in the car one day when he went in a convienence store. A lady came out of the store and went to the car next to us. She looked at me and said, usually cigarettes smell horrible but that smells so good (was strawberry-kiwi), I laughed, told her it was an electronic cigarette and explained it to her.

Once it becomes more known, and ppl understand that it doesnt "stink", and there isnt any second hand smoke, I think it will become more used indoors in public areas, including work areas. This could save them some money, no more .. 5 minute quickie smoke breaks lol


I smoke inside my work and so do a couple of my employees. It saves the company 5-10 minutes 4 times a day I used to go outside.


While I applaud your faith in your fellow man, I don't share it at all. People that are in the anti crowd rarely change their position on a subject no matter what facts are presented to them, take a look at any church on Sunday to see what I mean or take a look at the long standing marijuana laws on the books in the US despite proof that it is actually beneficial and no where near as harmful as the fear mongers in government, schools, and law enforcement would have you believe and have been telling you for years. If you think that education will change these peoples minds I fear you are in for a major disappointment.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I’m surprised everyone is voting yes. I did as well. I believe vaping should be allowed everywhere, but only when approved by the owner of a business. Just because we should have the right to vape anywhere we choose, the owner of a business or property must also have the right to say what type of behavior he or she wants in their business or building.


This is a tough one. I beleive its up to the employer. I think what kind of work your involved in makes a difference. I work with the public on a daily basis in a government facility. I think if I was vaping while working at the front counter it would distract from business at hand. Lets face it, the first reaction from someone is going to be shock because they think your smoking. Then I would have to explain about the e-cig, and those of you that deal with people on a daily basis know there is always someone who wants to argue and make mountains out of mole hills. I might be in favor of an employer allowing it but with regulations as to where you can. I stealth vape in my office so as not to cause disturbances.


  On 11/21/2009 at 3:09 PM, Snarkyone said:

While I applaud your faith in your fellow man, I don't share it at all. People that are in the anti crowd rarely change their position on a subject no matter what facts are presented to them, take a look at any church on Sunday to see what I mean.....



This is a tough one, but I reckon it would be the employer decision and that should be based on the safety of it to others and the working conditions of the employees. However, remember that we are feeding our addiction here, and there will ALWAYS be someone who will find that offensive. We live in the United State of the Offended and all it takes on person to ruin it for us. While I'd love to be able to sit in my office and vape all day, I won't be holding my breath for that day to come.


I would like to see the result of this poll taken in a public place where people of all demographics congregate. We'd have to add one more option: "What is vape?"

My approach to this might concern some people but it's based on long experience. I didn't ask anyone; I just plugged my PT into my computer and started vaping one day. Hardly anyone has noticed, but those who have are 100% supportive. 1) I have quit smoking, which makes all non-smokers happy. 2) It's saved about 20% of my workday from going to my car to smoke. 3) There is no smell or smoke, which is very interesting to people: "What's that?" I've found that people are generally very interested to learn what a personal vaporizer is and how it works. The whole nicotine aspect is secondary for these people.

Now, if I asked HR whether I could vape I would expect an instinctive and immediate "NO." That is the standard conservative business answer to anything they've never heard of; add 'nicotine' to the formula and you have a dead issue. Rather, having set a precedent that it's harmless and unnoticeable to others around me, and that I'm significantly more productive, I think they'll have to think about it before making any knee-jerk reactive decisions.

They may still say No, and in that case I'll start going out to my car again to vape. But until then I'm going to conscientiously use my PV at my desk, and get some work done.

Just my .02.

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