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Not sure if this topic has been broached yet in this forum. Do you vape while others who don't vape reside in your house; mainly children; this the point of me bringing this up since the jury is still out on health effects of second hand vapor is indeed safe for others... I personaly choose to stand at the door, go outside or if i'm on the 2nd floor of my house I will blow it out the bathroom window. I would personaly choose to do this whether my wife was apposed or not. Whats your take on this subject?


In my house, just like stinkies...but better yes! A mans house is his castle, and ain't nobody telling me....even her...and glad she's not on this forum!! Yes dear I'll be there right away.....


I have just started vaping about a good week ago and currently vape everywhere! In my house, my car, even if others are around. (As long as they don't mind). I don't feel it's harmful, but I'm no scientist. If something was toxic in the e-liquid I think we would know all about it, such as food coloring... I'm not fully aware of the toxins in food coloring but from what people are saying, I guess just something about food coloring in e-liquids isn't right. But Vaporizing has practically become a culture, leading to many scientific investigations on electronic products itself, leaving us with most of our answers, answered. Therefor until I hear from a scientist that vaporizing is harmful, I will continue to vape on!


I have just started vaping about a good week ago and currently vape everywhere! In my house, my car, even if others are around. (As long as they don't mind). I don't feel it's harmful, but I'm no scientist. If something was toxic in the e-liquid I think we would know all about it, such as food coloring... I'm not fully aware of the toxins in food coloring but from what people are saying, I guess just something about food coloring in e-liquids isn't right. But Vaporizing has practically become a culture, leading to many scientific investigations on electronic products itself, leaving us with most of our answers, answered. Therefor until I hear from a scientist that vaporizing is harmful, I will continue to vape on!

As the OP asked, what does your wife say?


Yup, but deep down she hates it I can tell. She just asked me tonight if I thought it was bad for the kids (1&4) to see me Vape. I my oldest when he asked that its my medicine. He hasn't asked since. I don't blow clouds in his face, and try to Vape when he isn't looking but yeah she lets me and yeah, she hates it.


I started vaping about 3 weeks ago but I have really researched this topic alot and I dont agree with the OP that the "jury is out". If there is any jury out its to prove its harmful. Since I started vaping, my wife has tried it a few times and actually likes it so i can vape anywhere in the house or cars and I do. My step-son likes the smell a lot, but he also likes the smell of my pipe. Certain odors and scents have a life long impression on someone's memory so i am pretty sure when my step son is my age, and I'm dead and gone, he'll think of me when/if he smells a pipe. That said, I do try to limit my pipe smoking around him but he comes into my man cave often to look at all my cool things in here (guitars, weights, computer stuff, model cars, etc).

Here is an excellent video that talks about the topic of vape safety. Check it out here.


I started vaping about 3 weeks ago but I have really researched this topic alot and I dont agree with the OP that the "jury is out". If there is any jury out its to prove its harmful. Since I started vaping, my wife has tried it a few times and actually likes it so i can vape anywhere in the house or cars and I do. My step-son likes the smell a lot, but he also likes the smell of my pipe. Certain odors and scents have a life long impression on someone's memory so i am pretty sure when my step son is my age, and I'm dead and gone, he'll think of me when/if he smells a pipe. That said, I do try to limit my pipe smoking around him but he comes into my man cave often to look at all my cool things in here (guitars, weights, computer stuff, model cars, etc).

Here is an excellent video that talks about the topic of vape safety. Check it out

I meant that I think the jury is still out on second hand vapor, not vaping in general. I would hope that the FDA persues until no evidents is found for everyones own good. Let me also state that I don't believe the FDA is the savior;/last word on the subject... l'am not gullable follower of that what the Federal government states is true; i'am not that stupid... money talks and bs walks


I'm at a point where I don't trust the FDA to be honest. They have already shown them selves to incite fear over facts. Most of this is driven by lost tax revenues, big tobacco, and pharmaceutical companies that have more to loose by the facts of vaping than we do. If it were up these people we would all be back smoking analogs so they could continue to gain from fear and prejudice. I think they should make Tobacco the controlled substance and leave vaping alone.

*Gets off soapbox


I meant that I think the jury is still out on second hand vapor, not vaping in general. I would hope that the FDA persues until no evidents is found for everyones own good. Let me also state that I don't believe the FDA is the savior;/last word on the subject... l'am not gullable follower of that what the Federal government states is true; i'am not that stupid... money talks and bs walks

Agree 100%.


I wouldn't say my wife allows me because I never asked her permission. It's my house as well, but that being said she has never said that she prefers me to vape outdoors. Kids, no kids, or guests or pets I vape as I wish.


I wouldn't say my wife allows me because I never asked her permission. It's my house as well, but that being said she has never said that she prefers me to vape outdoors. Kids, no kids, or guests or pets I vape as I wish.

Yea I agree100% and to be honest had issue with the way OPs question was worded lol. IN my marriage of approaching 15 years we do not "let each other do things" we discuss and agree together. We vape together and do it everywhere in our home and vehicles regardless of who is around. I do not vape in other peoples homes without asking but have never been told no since most of my friends are smokers or converts to vaping.

One thing about "around kids". When we smoked we smoked outside almost always, except in the colder months I put an exhaust fan in my basement bathroom about 1000% the power required for such a space. Almost acted like a vacuum lol. We did not smoke in the vehicle with our son or around him inside although we did nothing to hide the fact that we smoked. He had always had allergies and had to take allergy medicine since he was like 3. He was a huge motivating factor in beginning to vape for my wife and I. We never realized the amount of our life we lost by having to go outside so often, or to the basement, or whatever. We couldn't start and finish a movie without pausing to go smoke. Not a problem anymore. Also my sons allergies and coughs have completely cleared up. He is 9, he knows the names of my liquids by the smell lol. He is no longer on medicine and our switch to vaping and choice to do it around him has been endorsed by our pediatrician, my cardiologist (or former cardiologist since he released me from his treatment about 6 months into my vaping switch), our general practitioner. I have been allowed to vape in the hospital as a patient and a visitor. Even the militant anti smoking majority owner in the dealer group I run is thrilled. I vape wherever I want at work and we are down to 2 smokers at work on our insurance policy. There are now 12 that vape and just last week our health insurance rep said they just got the memo that someone who vapes should be listed as a "Non Smoker" on their profile.

I wouldn't say the jury is out at all. I will say big tobacco is hating the fact that there is a product that is relatively harmless to the user, completely harmless to those around them and cannot believe the amount of $$$$ they will lose over the next decade. They are trying to figure out how to either vilify the act of vaping or become so heavily invested in it that it doesn't matter. I would say that the cost or producing e-liquid and devices would be far less than the process of growing and processing tobacco.


I myself vape in the house. I am going to be the father of a baby girl in about 9 days, or if she is ready, maybe sooner. I actually picked up vaping for this reason. I know that even the smoke caught on cloths can effect infants. This being said, I do vape in the house. My wife and I talked about it and have come to the agreement that it won't be harmful to our daughter. I don't think I will be blowing clouds in my daughters face, but I won't not vape because she is in the room.


When kids are involved, like in my case, it is more important to educate them. Teach them the dangers of smoking/vaping and why you do it and hopefully they never start.


When kids are involved, like in my case, it is more important to educate them. Teach them the dangers of smoking/vaping and why you do it and hopefully they never start.

I could not agree more. Everyone can use whatever parenting style they want, but what is best for me is not a "sheltering" approach. I remember when I went to college there were kids from a specific christian school that had tough rules, the toughest I have ever heard. They even had to follow school rules when on break and not on school grounds or face punishment at school. They have a tradition at the University of Tennessee called their "Freshman Breakfast" where they shotgun a 12 pack of beer the first morning they wake up "free" as they put it.

My son has grown up around smoking, drinking, partying in the cove every weekend. He has seen or heard about everything at this point and in the 3rd grade he has yet to make anything but an A, has never gotten in trouble at all. Its all about education. That is what is lacking, and education trumps sheltering in my mind 100% of the time.


I vape inside and around the kids. I used to not blow huge clouds around them, but now I r 0 mg. Yay. So I mix my own juice all vg and flavor. No nic or color so there's nothing to hurt them. They karate chop my clouds. Lol. And my wife hasn't vaped in 5 days but she still doesn't mind as long as she can see me in the fogged out living room.


Maybe I could have sugar coated my title of this thread, but lets face facts; if your wife is pissed off at you for vaping in the house you ain't getting "any"sugar any time soon... 99% of married men are "somewhat" ***** whipped; the way i see it, if you don't admit it your a liar.. I've been married for 15 years and after a certain time in your marriage if you don't have a mutual understanding and respect you don't have a marriage. This ain't about being pusswhipped it's about respecting your spouses wishes; she respects mime and i respect hers. I hope people don't think I'm on my high horse here, thats not my intention; it was just to discuss what I thought to be an unbroached subject in this forum.


My wife and I have been on the same page about almost everything for almost 15 years. I'm very lucky I guess. I just cannot imagine not being allowed to vape in my home. Yes my wife vapes too but I think she would rather have me alive than not have harmless quickly dissipating water vapor in the house even if she didn't. In the end everyone is different, relationships are different that's just my two cents.


My husband and I both vape in the house and cars. We held off on vamping in front of the kids until we had the ok from my youngest (15 months) respiratory therapist sent a bottle of e liquid to be tested and was able to say that it would not effect her breathing. Now that we have gotten that reassurance we both vape in front of the kids. Though with our older 2 (13 & 15) we have had long discussion about the effects of smoking and vaping


Since my wife and I built our house in 2011, we've never smoked in it. Either we went out on the back porch or in the garage. But, now that I'm vaping, she'll let me do it in the house as long as I'm only using my MVP or ego style devices. I got to blow 1 cloud in the house using my mech mod and dripper setup. After that, she said "no clouds in the house!". So, I take my chasing equipment out to the garage.

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