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I am in the market for a cool Mech Mod and ran across this Mech Mod and I think its amazing. It's sexy but also extremely versatile. I plan on buying one in a few weeks and putting a kick 2 in it. Its super pricey at $250 but I think worth it. From what I've read, the craftsmanship is outstanding and I rather like the design, though I recognize it may not be for everyone. What do you think?




Im trying to decide between that and a castle mod but swaying to the castle as its $100 cheaper

Can you please post a link so I can check it out? Thank you.


I think the Castle is an RDA whereas the Flip is an entire Mechanical Mod. I could be wrong though. :evil:

See..i was wrong! ha ha..


I've owned the V3 Tronix Flip for about 3 months and love it. I use it daily with a kick 2 and a Russian 91%. It is one tough mod. It goes on all of my red zone missions in Baghdad and never once has it let me down. If you buy this mod I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.


I ordered my V3Tronix yesterday along with a kick2. This will be my first real Mod. Can't wait! I'll check out the crowns and Lotus. Thanks.


It is an atomizer/Tank rba

Russian 91%

The Kayfun was the next thing on my list but I've never built a coil and am frankly a little intimidated. It sounds like the Russian is a Kayfun clone? I'll have to look at some vids and see if its as easy as the Kayfun to build. Thanks.


I ordered my V3Tronix yesterday along with a kick2. This will be my first real Mod. Can't wait! I'll check out the crowns and Lotus. Thanks.

It was my first real mod. I'm excited for you.

  • 2 months later...

I got a green cap v3tronix flip mod a few weeks ago. First mech mod. Pricey but absolutely beautiful and delivers on performance. I've used it with my russian 91%, an IGO W, and most often with my brass monkey rda. It's my avatar with the brass monkey on it. Had it engraved for an extra $25 and worth it. I use it with a sony vtc5 18650 no kick. Subohm .5-.7 dual micro coil builds with 28 ga. kanthal. Couldn't be happier.


Sub ohm-ing with Rebuildable drip atomizers (RDA) gives clouds and better flavor, but isn't for everyone.

Sub ohming on rebuildable atomizers (RBA;s) , I find, isn't worth the effort. Just eats at your battery without the pay-off of large clouds or better flavor. It also produces hot vapes and heats up your RBA hardcore.

With regard sto that V3tronix, I am thinking to trade my SLUG by Steel Punk for it after I saw the review on youtube by Rip Trippers. Hardcore.


I do dual coil subohm builds on the igo w and brass monkey. The builds on the russian 91% are between 1.3-1.8 ohm single micro coil. All give great taste and battery life but the flip mod is pretty good about battery drop. For the pain of building and wicking and bottom fill on the russian 91% though I tend to use my aspire nautilus much more. It's just easier and it gives the same vapor and taste as the russian. The 91% is also very top heavy but if you are going for good looks and the ability to rebuild it does do that.

  • 2 weeks later...

I love the Kayfun. From my first build, it has been wonderful and I have not even messed with the fill hole. I just top fill and vape. I don't have any idea why this one allows this without leaking, but it does and I am quite pleased.

I like the mech posted by OP but not enough for the price tag. I can't say why exactly but I don't like the engraving. I know, weird, right?

I love the castle mech and the castle RDA. There is a castle clone RDA that is awesome as well. I wish I could remember who makes the good clone. Sorry. It is a very nice vape.

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