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I have tried that, I prefer the stock aerotank with a protank single coil on my VTR at 7.5 to 8.0 watts depending on mood. I am going to try your suggestion again when I get home tonight.

My juice burns if I try and push a single coil hard enough to equal what the new dual coils can produce.

Plus the vapor is produced so fast it's like puffing a full hit rather than sucking until it cuts off.


Does anyone have a problem with their T3S? I feel like I am sucking air all the time. I hardly ever use it anymore. Like my EVOD much better. Anyone? or am I an oddball...ok don't say it. :hope:


I bring two mods to work and for home use the same two unless I'm dripping to try new flavors

Device: The Ramble and Nemesis clone.

Atty: eXpromizer and KayfunLite+

Juice: Carmel Apple wood( Alhusion) and Honey Pearry (the Vapor Chef)


I like this set up. How are you liking the aerotank? I almost bought one the other day but went with the iclear30s. Loving it on the svd so far!

I love the aerotank. It is my favorite. I bought 3 extra aerotank bases for my protank 2`s. I have a 30s and don't care for the airflow. Some times I like a tight draw for throat hit. Somtimes I like lung hits. With the aerotank I can adjust it to suit my mood.


Ain't she a beautyPosted Image

I keep borrowing my local shops provari to use with my kayfun im gonna have to break down and buy one


I keep borrowing my local shops provari to use with my kayfun im gonna have to break down and buy one

I wished I would have gotten one a long time ago its worth it

Posted (edited)

Well I have been vaping for 3 months now. Have I saved money over analogs? NO!

I buy too much stuff. It has seemed to become somewhat of a hobbie to me now.

So I know most of you have several tanks, juices, mods.....etc.

So what is your everyday "go to" device, tank and juice?

Just curious.

Device: ITaste SVD w/one 18650 batt

Tank: IClear 30S (which I highly recommend)

Juice: FIre and Ice (cinnamon/menthol blend)

this fire and ice sounds bomb i need to try it,

mine right now is

- K101 with 18650 batt

- iClear 30 or patriot (i agree the iclear is a really nice atty)

- juicy Fruit

Edited by Justin_Knuth

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