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Proper style in Vaping with great products


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Hi this is Jay, and like many others here im keen to learn and enjoy new way of quitting smoking..

I don't like hypes,just facts .. I am interested in new product and hope to communicate with many of you in a near future about it..

So please make me a believer

Cheers guys!

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Welcome to Vapor Talk! You'll get some facts and probably some hype in the form of others opinions. Everyone here has their own style and things that work best for them. Vaping is as personal and idividualistic as there are vapers. If you are just starting out, many of us here will probably give you much of the same advice when choosing your first starter kit.

There are so many great people here to help you and answer any question you may have. Good luck and again, WELCOME!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I had to guess it's a combo of the original post topic/question and the fact that the mods can see much more than we can about a posters origin. Either way, they got it right. They protect the forum from random crap that doesn't serve our best interests. We look to the folks here for info, not biased info based on an agenda. The truely good vendors don't hide behind random questions. The actually participate with us.

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