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I am really stuck on wanting a Vivi Nova but until yesterday I didn't know that there were 2 types. There is the type with the long wick that is a single coil clearomizer and the type with holes that has the wick inside that is bottom dual coil. I want to know who has tried the 2 or has knowledge of the 2 styles and can tell me which is better. Any help is appreciated :-)


Well, If it help's I own both types of the mini nova's. One from Smoktech and one from Vision. I actually just tossed the one from smoktech in the trash (the single coil one). I would recommend the dual coil version from Vision, It's by far the better in my opinon. If you havent tried a bottom coil setup you might check into that. I just got one from Kamry that's pretty great for a budget tank.

Cheers mate!


I like the Vision products better than the Smoktech.They both work well though and you can't go wrong with either. The dual coil from either will make more vapor as there is more surface area.The cost is low enough you can pretty much try them all and decide for yourself.

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