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Guy here is all like "I know that isn't actual smoke, in fact I have friends who run vape shops. However, we put these in with cigarettes. It's in our rules."

TRANSLATION: "I know God damn well there is absolutely no reason to tell you not to use that, but **** you, I feel like making your time here far less enjoyable. Thanks for your $20 admission, and the door is locked till morning, so no going outside - enjoy the nic fit, since I know your ride home wont drive in this weather. Your withdrawls totally get me off!".

Well, **** this place. I'm not going to continue paying to go somewhere that has rules based on nothing.

Posted (edited)

A bdsm place, of all places. They have certain nights for non bdsm stuff (bdsm isn't my thing). So... we can whip people if we want, spank em till they can't walk, shock them with electric toys, stick thier junk in torture devices, cut them in knife play, burn them with candle play, and hang them by ropes from the rafters - but don't you dare expose anyone to a little harmless vapor! o.O

Figure that one out!

for the record - what's the health risks of latex and cavicide? I bet its far more risky than 2nd hand vapor! I know damn well knife play is a severe risk if done improperly!

Edited by HelloMiakoda
Posted (edited)

I kinda just assumed a place where we could play with knives and candles on each other (not what I'm here for, but it's available) would not have an issue with what is essentially a tiny fog machine.

Seriously, what the ****!

Edited by HelloMiakoda
Posted (edited)

"It bothers some people" he said. Ya know what, seeing some guy chained to a wall and whiped senseless REALLY bothers me - but this place is huge and I just do my thing in another area. ******* asshat!

Hell, designate one of the two lounge rooms as vape friendly then! Boom, everyone can be happy!

I'm here for my weird fun just like every other freak here, but no, antz gotta have their way even in a place like this. Seriously, it's a ******* bdsm space for **** sake, not a ******* Starbucks!

Edited by HelloMiakoda

I don't see why people automatically assume they can vape everywhere they can't smoke. The smell can still bother people, some people can even have allergic reactions to the second hand vapor from some flavors. It really is up to the business owner, so I don't think people should get so butthurt over it.

Posted (edited)

Also, what about latex, cavicide, perfumes, etc? I'm sensative to cavacide and perfume - and so I stand back from where it's strong. I take responsibility for my own sensativities, instead of wanting the whole of existance banned!

Or maybe a compramize. The place is huge. How about no vape in the main play area, or vape only in the back lounge?

And I got no complaints from anyone, just management. Besides, If I can vape secretly right next to him without anyone knowing, it obviously is only "bothersome" if they can see it.

And if someone had said "hey, that scent is annoying", maybe another flavor isn't as strong, or maybe turning my output down would be enough, or "Sure, I'll stand in the other room when I want to take a pull" - but no, it's always right to 100% ban! THAT is what pisses me off! 0 attempt to compramize!

I had a neighbor who liked food the smell of which made me vomit. I nicely talked to him about it. Did I need him to never eat it? No, we decided to try having him give me a heads up before cooking it so I can close my windows on that side! He got his food, I didn't puke. Problem solved!

Why the hell can't people who don't like vape try that kind of thing? Because they're selfish. I'm not asking to always vape all willy nilly in people's faces, I'm saying make some attempt to compramise!

Here's an example of one from when I smoked.

"Mia, that's setting off my asthma. Mind moving away from that vent, maybe to the other table?"

"Sure, no problem."


DONE! IT'S NOT ******* HARD!

Edited by HelloMiakoda

As a vapor that has been around for awhile, I don't argue with private establishments about their no smoking/no vaping policy. I also don't get my panties in a bunch about it. It is what it is. I can vape in my house, car, outside, with friends and in some public places. If I have to go to the smoking area, I welcome it. I am with people who don't give shit and have been shunned to ends of the earth. Nothing new to me.

If I go to a private establishment and they ask me not to vape, I accept it. This is the unwritten rule amongst veteran vapers. Sure this makes us mad and we feel we are being treated unfairly because the information they have is not accurate. We educate and hope that they look further into the matter. Some establishments have no choice, laws have been passed that lump vaping with no smoking laws.

Vaping does not fall under the category of freedom in regards to religion, color and the broad category of sex. Although I can see vaping becoming a new religion. :thumbup: Private establishments have the right to ban whatever they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on the above. So the courts have said lately to private businesses and in the past.

I don't care how whacked out (my word) the establishment is and whether or not I gave them $20, if vaping is not allowed I don't argue it. I just become smarter. I stealth vape, use the restroom, find an inconspicuous area, or I just don't patronize them again. I also have complete control of my vaping habits. Even if it interferes with other pleasures/obligations I am seeking at the moment. I can go easily 8+ hours without a vape.

Now I want to address some other comments you have made in regards to your post. This forum does not condone or appreciate the mention of physical pain or harm done unto others. We don't care if it is a lifestyle choice, it is not appropriate for this forum and the contents we are discussing. For most people, that join this forum, this is not what they signed up for. I get the comparison to what you are trying to convey, but even BDSM people have a safe word. Obviously vaping is one of them.

Posted (edited)

This is the unwritten rule amongst veteran vapers. Sure this makes us mad and we feel we are being treated unfairly because the information they have is not accurate. We educate and hope that they look further into the matter. Some establishments have no choice, laws have been passed that lump vaping with no smoking laws.


Thats why I vented here instead of arguing with the guy, and dont plan to go back.

I do try to educate, but it was clear in two sentances that he was not going to listen, so I didnt.

There is no law against it here, and most people dont care. What pisses me off is if 1 in 100 whine about something, people bend over backwards to please that one no matter how much of a pain it is to the other 99.

I apologize to references to where I was. My point in mentioning it was its not a hospital, library, day care, or zen garden.

As far as safe words.... none of the people i was alledgedly bothering had any issue. Side note... the other vaper there did not get spoken to despite his being quite the attention getter with clouds twice as large as anything I was doing. No idea why... but we both just ducked out of sight from that point forward.

Funny part is... once the management left for the night, and remaining staff closed up (lots of people, including my ride, crashed for the night due to road conditions) the same people I was accused of bothering were all "Get your e-cig back out. Him and his girl are gone, and we dont care." I hadnt brought it up, they just said that all on their own.

Edited by HelloMiakoda
Posted (edited)

I find it hard to vape with a ball gag in my mouth :popo:

If only the ball gag came with flavors I could consider this as satisfaction.

Edited by BirdDog
Posted (edited)

A bdsm place, of all places. They have certain nights for non bdsm stuff (bdsm isn't my thing). So... we can whip people if we want, spank em till they can't walk, shock them with electric toys, stick thier junk in torture devices, cut them in knife play, burn them with candle play, and hang them by ropes from the rafters - but don't you dare expose anyone to a little harmless vapor! o.O

Figure that one out!

for the record - what's the health risks of latex and cavicide? I bet its far more risky than 2nd hand vapor! I know damn well knife play is a severe risk if done improperly!

Just going to respond to this part right here, because I know why some businesses continue to bar it, even it's legal. People with allergies, asthmatics, etc.....even scents can set them off. That's why people that work in hospitals are banned from wearing perfume or cologne or using scented lotion. I haven't been able to wear perfume around my mother in law since I was 18 (when we were dating), and her lungs went down so hard and so fast - she was hit with the crash cart multiple times during a 21 day hospital stay......I think the only time she'd been hospitalized since I'd started dating my SO before was 5 days in February of that year. But this day, she was out shopping with her mom, was fine, and then all of the sudden within hours pneumonia took her down. But she's been around me when I'm vaping. It's the scent, or maybe an allergy to inhaling pg or vg that sets her off, but even smelling it sets her off. I go over there (which every time I have a seizure, if the next day is a day my SO has school, I'm over there the entire time the SO is gone for at LEAST one day), I don't vape in their house, I go outside. If the weather is agreeable, like it was in September and October, she would come out and talk to me while I did, I just stayed far away from her.

Think of it like this - there are people in this world that just the smell of certain types of make ups, lotions, perfumes and colognes, definitely, cause to wheeze, or, wheeze/cough/hack, and if it's bad enough, go into respiratory arrest. My mother in law's last hospitalization she had to kick three separate caregivers (one a respiratory tech) out of her room because they were wearing perfume or scented lotion in defiance of hospital policy, and it was pushing her toward respiratory arrest when she was hospitalized because she had pneumonia to begin with.

They have to be able to guarantee the safety of every person in the place - employees AND patrons. Which means, unfortunately, that some businesses will choose not to take the risk of it setting someone's allergies or asthma off.

Which, I guess is why even though Red Lobster allows vaping, my SO wouldn't vape in the restaurant Friday night, and he told me he'd leave if I did. Plus, he doesn't want to "appear" like we were smoking, and cause other patrons to ask questions, I think.

EDIT: Haven't read the whole thread yet, just the first couple posts, but cut the guy who told you this some slack. Sounds like he's an employee informing you of the policy, that doesn't mean he agrees with it.

Edited by spydre
Posted (edited)

It's a bdsm space! People don't go there for nice, gentle, hypoallergetic activities

Just because it's BDSM establishment doesn't mean the owners have any less of a responsibility to run it as "healthily" as possible. It's their business, they can allow in what they want.....but if someone goes into respiratory arrest because of an allergic reaction to the vapor or smell from the flavoring, that IS there business.....and can make their insurance rates go up, and being bdsm, their insurance rates are high enough in the first place.

Oh, as far as "compromise"? For most people with these types of allergies, for most of the things that CAN set them off, when they go out in the world, they are at the mercy of the world.....but some business owners do what they can to protect them in the little ways they know how.

Edited by spydre

I have that problem with paint thinners and accelerants. They will drop me in a matter of seconds. That's why anytime i get even a whiff of wet pain i turn and go the other direction. I'm thinking it's from painting with 2 part epoxy pain in the mililtary and not wearing my respirator because i was in a tight space. I then spilled the entire tray of paint on myself drenching me in it while i as trapped in a confined space. Every since i've been very very susceptible to wet paint.


I have that problem with paint thinners and accelerants. They will drop me in a matter of seconds. That's why anytime i get even a whiff of wet pain i turn and go the other direction. I'm thinking it's from painting with 2 part epoxy pain in the mililtary and not wearing my respirator because i was in a tight space. I then spilled the entire tray of paint on myself drenching me in it while i as trapped in a confined space. Every since i've been very very susceptible to wet paint.

Ugh, sub, that sucks rocks. Or rather, sucks an inhaler (the I need to suck on this albuterol so I can breathe kind?)?

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