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Is it okay to carry your ecig around assembled? I've seen that a lot of people get cases where you take them all apart and I wasn't sure if you carried it around assembled if it tipped a certain way it would leak or flood the atomizer or something.


Yes its ok. i usually don't un assemble my e-cigs. The only thing you have to worry about is possibly breaking the battery unit from the atty if you sit wrong, or sit on it somehow. As far as leaking, your always going to get a little leakage whether its assembled or not. My advice is to just make sure you vape most of the juice before you put it back in your pocket. Or just do 1 drip or so if your on the go. :thumbsup:


The reason why you usually find cases where you have to take apart the ecig is to protect it from accidentally activating and burning out the atomizer. Automatic batteries are known to be very sensitive sometimes.

Ecigs with a manual battery might be easier to carry in your pocket completely assembled, but I probably wouldn't recommend it either. The problem with manual batteries is that the button could possibly get pushed and overheat the atomizer. The last thing you want is an ecig burn in your pants lol. I find myself carrying my 510 in my pocket every now and then, but I try not to. If you could find a case somewhere where the button wouldn't get pushed then I'm sure it would be fine.

Oh and if you still have a lot of juice in there, it will leak out if you leave it too long. But it shouldn't harm the atomizer. Manual batteries won't get harmed either since it's closed off. Automatic batteries could get damaged though if the juice leaks into the battery. hope this helps.


The reason why you usually find cases where you have to take apart the ecig is to protect it from accidentally activating and burning out the atomizer. Automatic batteries are known to be very sensitive sometimes.

Ecigs with a manual battery might be easier to carry in your pocket completely assembled, but I probably wouldn't recommend it either. The problem with manual batteries is that the button could possibly get pushed and overheat the atomizer. The last thing you want is an ecig burn in your pants lol. I find myself carrying my 510 in my pocket every now and then, but I try not to. If you could find a case somewhere where the button wouldn't get pushed then I'm sure it would be fine.

Oh and if you still have a lot of juice in there, it will leak out if you leave it too long. But it shouldn't harm the atomizer. Manual batteries won't get harmed either since it's closed off. Automatic batteries could get damaged though if the juice leaks into the battery. hope this helps.

Its was a little chilly the other day, so I decided to where pants for the first time this year. I was chillin at a family get together on the couch and my leg felt like someone put a cigarette out on it. HOLY *****... The manual battery activated because of the way I was sitting and the pants. Jumped up real quick! The manual battery activated and my atty was rollin. LMAO. Everyone was like wtf is wrong with you? :whistle: . Thought I had somethin strange in my pants. Anyways, luckily there was no damage to the atty, but it got friggin hot. If I'm wearin pants I take it apart now. If you wear dickies shorts alot like me I wouldn't worry about it. :thumbsup:


to protect it from accidentally activating and burning out the atomizer

Ahh yes, i forgot to mention that. I usually wear loose jeans so i dont have that problem ^_^


HOLY *****... The manual battery activated because of the way I was sitting and the pants. Jumped up real quick! The manual battery activated and my atty was rollin. ...but it got friggin hot.

Yep I can relate to this move, I pulled the cart off and that atty was dribble.gifblazin' red hot!!!


It is recommended by the manufacturer that you disconnect your atty and battery when not in use. The reason they give is that when they are assembled, the battery is in "standby mode". They state that this can actually drain the battery over time. The suggestion is to just disconnect them at night before you go to sleep so the battery doesn't discharge in standby mode overnight.

I don't know how true this is, but I do know this is what they actually recommend.


It is recommended by the manufacturer that you disconnect your atty and battery when not in use. The reason they give is that when they are assembled, the battery is in "standby mode". They state that this can actually drain the battery over time. The suggestion is to just disconnect them at night before you go to sleep so the battery doesn't discharge in standby mode overnight.

I don't know how true this is, but I do know this is what they actually recommend.

Yep I too read that in the instruction book sometime back in January. I have not followed the instructions completely as I sometimes like to live on the edge. All in all my batts have lasted a reasonable amount of time based on my individual usage.

I find I vape all day long and the darn thing is usually just in my hand, when driving, when typing, when walking around, when sitting in a bar havin' a beverage. The day it was in my pocket was when I was gardening and didn't want to lay it in the dirt and I had my hands in the dirt -- so in my pocket it went and yes the button got pushed, the atty got activated and that gave a whole new meaning to "hot pants".devil.gif


I find that when I disconnect the atty from the battery, juice spills all over. I need to keep it in an upright position otherwise I have leakage.

Posted (edited)

I wish I could find a proper carrying case for the e-cig, the ones I have seen I didn't like or they were on back order.

I too had a "hot pants" episode and it wasn't pleasant as I was completely distracted and didn't notice until I blew up the atty and singed some leg hairs.

Edited by elem187

I'm a Hawain shirt kind of guy,and Iwear scrubs to work so I always have a shirt pocket,never had a problem carring a full cart on a assembled e cig in a shirt pocket. It's when you put them in you pants pocket that they bend and leak.

Posted (edited)

Lol i think almost all of us has had a "hot pants" encounter. I wear black slacks to work alot of the time, and after a long day i went up to the local bar in town here. They keep it pretty dang dark in there especially in the VIP area. Well i was sitting on the edge of the couch kinda like you would sit and lean up when you couldn't read something on the TV screen. My girlfriend was sitting next to me and seen a blue light glowing through my pants Lol! She was like............" :unsure: Umm, honey....your pocket is glowing." I was like :o "Oh crap!" Lol i hopped up like i sat on a thumb tack! Luckily i had some money in my pocket that was dividing my skin from that atty!

Edited by Sinikal

Lol i think almost all of us has had a "hot pants" encounter. I wear black slacks to work alot of the time, and after a long day i went up to the local bar in town here. They keep it pretty dang dark in there especially in the VIP area. Well i was sitting on the edge of the couch kinda like you would sit and lean up when you couldn't read something on the TV screen. My girlfriend was sitting next to me and seen a blue light glowing through my pants Lol! She was like............" unsure.gif Umm, honey....your pocket is glowing." I was like ohmy.gif "Oh crap!" Lol i hopped up like i sat on a thumb tack! Luckily i had some money in my pocket that was dividing my skin from that atty!

So she said coyly, "Honey is that an Atomic Glowing Blue Banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"wub.gif


OK. I am NOT a lanyard wearing guy. But, Jeff at wordup sent me one for free that his wife makes, and I gotta tell you, its the best thing since Hersheys chocolate. Ive heard some other people that have lanyards from other suppliers, and they didnt like the designs, but this one was designed for an e cig. Just my opinion, and I NEVER thought Id wear a lanyard, but it beats that warm fuzzy feeling in the chicklet area.


It sounds like pant pockets are not the best way to carry your PV. I usually have on a hoodie or jacket and the pockets work well except for the pocket fuzz. I only use a case to carry all the extra stuff, which then ends up in my purse.


I ended up just ordering the case from electronicstix tonight... very sleek and nice... hopefully it looks like the picture.

Also, they have some really cheap 24mg liquids in 15ml bottles, so I just had to stock up... is the rum flavor any good?


Yeah the rum is pretty tasty ;) Used to have whiskey sold slow.. then like wildfire.. not sure if i should really bring it back but wow... serious flavor on that whiskey lol

I ended up just ordering the case from electronicstix tonight... very sleek and nice... hopefully it looks like the picture.

Also, they have some really cheap 24mg liquids in 15ml bottles, so I just had to stock up... is the rum flavor any good?


Its was a little chilly the other day, so I decided to where pants for the first time this year.

So what do you wear the rest of the year? A Kilt?


I don't usually disassemble my VP2 Unit, unless I'm cleaning it or changing the atty. It is a manual and leaving it assembled will not damage the components. I have however had a few problems with it and another model because of it being assembled. A few months ago I had a DSE901 in my shirt pocket and it had a cheap auto batt, somehow the darn thing activated in my pocket and ruined and atty. This past weekend I had my VP2 in my shirt pocket at a wedding reception, I was leaning on the table in order to hear the conversation over the sound of the crowd and evidently I pressed the button for a long while. It melted the screen inside of the atty that covers the heating element. The atty still worked but the screen melted because it was on for so long.

Posted (edited)

What do you mean? What do you have, how is it broken and why are bateries an issue?

the batteries say they are charged put in the unit nothin try different atty nothin its not the carts because i drip guess i shouldn't of bought a mod

Edited by xsnut

the batteries say they are charged put in the unit nothin try different atty nothin its not the carts because i drip guess i shouldn't of bought a mod

Do you have an electrical meter, if so do you know how to use it?


Do you have an electrical meter, if so do you know how to use it?

yes i hav a meter i hav a dvm

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